Chapter 154 Liam's POV

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Pulling up at the mansion feeling emotionless and I don't know how to feel about that. I can't believe it's actually come this far. I have Angelica tied up in a car and I'm taking her to my basement to kill her. What the actual fuck?
"Baby, are you OK your awfully quiet. Talk to me please" I hear Stacey say as she grabs my hand.
"I don't know how I feel my queen, but I k ow this needs to be done" I tell her and sigh.
"I need you to take control of this whole situation. I need to talk Jason around more than likely. But we'll do this together my queen" I tell her and kiss her hand looking at her.
"It's OK to feel how you do. But I hate her. I'm happy to take the lead baby, that's what I'm here for. You" she tells me and I smile. I don't know what I'd do without her.
"Thank you baby, I will be OK once where doing it. Right now I'm having trouble processing it" I tell her honestly. She undoes he seat belt and climbs into my lap and hold my face in her hands.
"I love you boo and thank you for being honest with me telling me how you feel" she says and kisses me gently.
"Always and Forever my queen. I love you too" I tell her and she smiles.
She rests her head on my shoulder and cuddles into me ad I wrap my arms around her. It's weird how the ride to Nottingham was fun and flirty to how it is now. Damn this is depressing. I grab her face and kiss her forcing my tongue between her lips as she moans into my mouth and sucks on my tongue. I groan and she smiles into the kiss. Fuck I really love her.

Finally pulling up at the mansion I look at Lexi and smile as she wakes up.
"Where home prinny" I say to her laughing at Jason's word.
Stacey smiles at me and climbs out taking Lexi in to Jason.
"I'll be back don't go" she tells me as I stay in the car and wait. I watch her walk up to the door and it opens and I see Jason. She says something to him hands Lexi over then jogs back to the car.
"I'm ready" she tells me moving the car seat and into the back. Both the cars drive through the garage doors and into the basement area.
OK let's do this. Jumping out the car I take a deep breath and Stacey walks around to me.
"I'm here baby, you don't need to do anything to her. I will happily" she says and I can't help the smile. She really is turning into me.
"He's mine, she's yours" I growl feeling my beast lurking just under the surface. I watch as she bites her lip at me and grabs my hand leading me through the basement door. Tali Tommy and Rico walk in holding Angelica and Karl and sit them on the chairs and ties them to the chairs while there still groggily waking up.
"Where am I, don't do this Liam, you don't want to hurt me. You told me not to be scared of you. You loved me and kissed my cheek. You can't do this to me Lexi needs me" Angelica spurts and I sigh and let Stacey step in.
"Listen bitch, shut the fuck up before I just kill you now. Your fucking voice is like chalk on a board" Stacey tells her in her face and I just look at Karl. He's awfully quiet for someone who's gonna die.
"What you thinking Karl, your quiet" I say walking over to him and he just stares at me.
"I'm not gonna beg you because I know it won't do anything" he says and suddenly I see Stacey's fist connect with Karl's nose. Shit baby.
"He asked you a fucking question" Stacey warns him and I chuckle. My perfect queen.
"Thinking I'm about to die obviously you dumb bitch" he spits at her and I see red and go for him but Stacey stops me.
"I got this baby" she she's and lifts her foot up and stamps between his legs making him scream out as her heel clearly connected with something. Then she steps back down and back hands him making his head swoosh to the side. Damn
"Your the only bitch here" she spits and I look on impressed by my queen.
"So sexy when you take control" I tell her and she licks her lips at me.
"Fuck sake you two. Again your gonna be at it all night.. Again" Rico whines and I laugh. He's not wrong.
"We got to kill them, Bury them and then come back. It's gonna be a long night" I says growling and grab Stacey around her waist and she melts into me.
Angelica starts screaming suddenly and we all just stare at her and then at each other and start laughing. Why she screaming now? It's abit late for that. Then I hear the door upstairs ooeb and someone walk down and I just know it's Jason so I don't even move.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Jason demands to know and we all look at him and I just laugh. I don't know who he thinks he's demanding but I find it funny.
"Well brother, I found Karl getting it on with your wife while your daughter was upstairs asleep. Imagine my surprise" I tell him and I watch him clench his fists. Fucking knock him out brother. I coax in my head laughing.
"And she was in on getting me killed. That's why Karl here was in Blackpool following us. She sent him" I add and Jason walks over to her. What's he gonna do?

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant