Chapter 18 Liam's POV

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"Dada, park?" Ruby asks and I jump up to grab her coat from the hanger
"Let's go princess" I tell her with a smile and pull on her coat then mine. Putting on some trainers I grab her shoes and put them on too and pick her up.
Walking down the stairs it feel strange when no one's in. So peaceful and quiet.

Strolling with my princess to the park I think of how much I'm enjoying being a dad. It's nothing that I thought and the love you have for your baby is euphoric. Nothing compares. Ruby is my life and I will make her proud to call me dad.
We arrive at the park and I take her straight to the baby swing and take her out the pushchair placing he onit.
"Liam?" I hear from behind me making me turn my head to the female voice.
"Sian? Wow its been years" I tell her surprised at all these kids.
"I know, how are you?" she asks me and gives me a hug. Hugging her back she pulls away and looks at me sad. What's happened? She always comes across genuine and has always rooted for my relationship with Stacey.
"I've been better, you know me. How's you?" I ask her and she sighs looking at the children.
"I was literally just with Stacey, she's looks just like you" she says and I look at her confused.
"What happy with our daughters?" I ask her and she laughs.
"You may be happy with your girls but your both miserable without each other. I can see it in you both" she says and I don't know what she's on about. Stacey's happy with Victor. There getting married, I'm trying to move on because she has. Fuck!
"She's getting married to Victor Sian" I say and she bursts out laughing hard holding her stomach. What the fuck?
"Are you crazy Liam the only person she's marrying is you.." she says and I roll my eyes thinking I can't deal with this shit. "Look I know there getting married Victor told me. I've sent her multiple letters practically begging her to take me back and she's ignored them all" I tell her and she gasps shocked at me.
"I don't wanna hear nothing more about it. I have my princess and she's my priority. All my time and effort will be on just her now" I say sighing wondering what the fuck is happening.
"OK Liam, you believe what you want. You two are ment to be together, it will happen" she tells me and I sigh grabbing Ruby and leaving. I can't do this now.
I hear her sigh then call out to her kid and I sit on the roundabout with my princess spinning her while my thoughts go haywire. What does she mean?
"Dada" she says giggling suddenly and bouncing on my lap.
"All I need is you baby girl" I tell her holding her to me and kissing her head smiling. She let's outs more giggles and it melts my heart. I love being her dad.
She has changed me more than anyone. I've grown up alot and reigned in my beast alot when it comes to losing her. That's not an option. My princess is my number one even my queen couldn't topple her. Sighing at that thought I put my head down feeling sad. Why is this happening..

After Ruby fell aswell on the stroll back I decided to take a detour and clear my mind. Fresh air always helps. Its a shame I don't smoke when I have Ruby.. But like I said she's all I need. She makes me feel better than weed and alcohol does. She looks at me like Stacey does. That pure unconditional love for me and that's all I need.
I find myself outside where my mum used to always take me as a kid to calm down. It was our special place as my mum called it. And now I'm stood here with my daughter and my mums gone, I have to do this for her as much as myself, I need to get this dad thing right. Make her proud finally. I miss how I was in the past but I need to be more for Ruby. I'm nearly out of that life and I hope nothing comes back to haunt me. But if it does I will be waiting with my beast at my side. I will not fuck up again! I lost Stacey.. I will not lose my daughter.

"Fuck Liam, its been years" Cornell says to me and I laugh. It really has.
"Yes cornell, how's it going?" I ask him as we bump fists.
"It's all good, how's you? Is this your little girl?" he asks me and I smile down at her.
"You know me, and yeah she's mine, what you doing with yourself nowadays?" I ask him and he sighs.
"She looks like you man. Wow I can't believe your a dad. And same old man" he says shrugging and I shake my head laughing. He'll never change..
"Thank you but I don't think I'm that beautiful" I tell him laughing and he laughs to..
"That's true, anyways I have to go man, I'll see you around" he tells me and I nod.
"Aright man, see you around" I tell him and walk off heading home.
Ruby's gonna be awake soon and she's just like her mum.. Gets hangry.

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