Chapter 60

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Walking out the room with Angelica and Jason and down the hall I wonder what we can do for the rest of the night. Becky's here aswell so if Liam's drinking so am I.
"Did you want a drink Angelica? I'm drinking rum with Liam" I tell her and she perks up.
"I'll have wine. That makes me giddy enough" she says laughing and follows me into the kitchen.
Grabbing the wine from the rack and a glass for both of us, wine and tumbler I hand hers to her and she smiles up at me
"Thanks babe" she says and we walk out to find where Jason went..
Walking into the living room to find Jason drinking his drink I smile at him. Could I live with him.. Angelica's not the issue. I just hope he can get past it and no past feelings ruin it. I see Liam come into the room smiling at us.
"Two sleeping beauty's" Liam says and drops down next to me.
"Thank you for suggesting this. It means the world that your accepting all of this. My daughter, after everything beautiful, I love you so fucking much" He tells me and I smile and kiss him.
"We both brought a daughter into this baby, I love Ruby and if it wasn't for them wanting to see each other this probably wouldn't be happening" I tell him and he sighs.
"I'm grateful for my princess I'd just rather I had her with you" he says sadly and I smile at him.
"It's OK baby, and it doesn't matter. They have each other now and they always will because there sisters and best friends. You ready for that" I ask him trying to lighten his mood.
"Don't.. I'm dreading it when there older and boys.. Not happening.. My girls are staying babies forever" he says and I laugh. If only.
"They'll be teens before you know it and daddys girls too by the looks of things" I warn him. He's gonna have to learn to reign in his beast.
"I know baby, I'll do my best" he says and picks up his drink.
"I wanted to ask you something. And you can say no and I won't be offended" I say and he raises a brow.
"Mya.." I start and he nods smirking.
"I want her to have the same name as all of us baby. I know she's not.." he stops me and kisses me..
"She's mine and I'd fucking love to" he says excited and downs his drink.
"Mya's gonna be a Johnson" Liam calls out to everyone happy and they both clap happy for us. Angelica comes running over to us and hugs us both tight.
"I'm so proud of you Liam. Stepping up for your wife" she says smiling up at him.
"Well I did learn from the best love" he tells her and she smiles putting her hand on her heart.
"I do try bro" she tells him and grins walking back to Jason.
"I'm happy for you brother" Jason says and smiles at me.
"So I have another surprise for you" Liam says getting up and leaving. Where's he going? I get up and follow him wanting to know where he's going. I follow him into where I seen Steve go into when he brought me here that night years ago and I just thought it was an office for him. I walk up to the door and try to open it but it's locked. Huh?
"Baby, open the door" I tell him and I hear him walking towards me on the other side.
The door suddenly opens and he pulls me inside and locks the door again. What's wrong with him?
"what you doing in here baby, and why the lock in?" I ask him and he sighs
"I will tell you just not yet. But Noone but me can come in this room" he says and I raise a brow
"But I'm in here now" I cross my arms and he chuckles.
"Fine me and you. Happy" he says smirking and I nod smiling.
"Soo? This surprise" I ask him and he smiles turning and grabbing paperwork. What the hell?
"Liam what is all this?" I ask him and he smirks at me.
"It's yours my queen open it" he says and I do seeing a list of properties. I'm confused?
"OK so it's a list of address's and.." I ask him rubbing my head.
"That list is everything I.. No you own" he says and I gasps what?
"What do you mean me? We're married I don't want your things" I tell him and he sighs.
"Baby, marrying me ment taking half of what's mine.. Its just for safety precautions so I'm putting everything in your name.. Its all yours" he tells me and I just stare at him like he's crazy.
"Why do you have so many houses?" I ask him flipping through the pages seeing pictures and alsorts.
"Rentals beautiful, I know how to make money. My mum left me alot of her properties aswell so it's just stacked" he says shrugging and I don't know what to say. This is alot to take in.
"Baby, breathe. Have a drink" he says pulling out a bottle of rum from the drawer.
I snatch the bottle and take the lid off quickly and gulp some down. Handing the bottle back I look back at the papers then Liam.
"And you want me to do what exactly?" I ask him holding out the papers back to him.
"Check them all out if you want. See what you like and don't like. If anything needs sorting.. Or nothing just let them do what they have been doing. It's your choice but I do need you to sign the last paper and give it back to me when you've done. No pressure" he says holding up his hands and I grab a pen off the side and flip to the back pages.
"Your not going to read or even thoroughly look though them?" he asks me and I shake my head.
"Your my husband and I trust you completely.. No pressure" I wink at him and he smirks.
"No sectets" he says and I smile.
"No secrets" I tell him and kiss him handing the signed paper back to him.
"And your card comes tomorrow, I've made my account joint. You can still keep yours if you want to" he says and I take the bottle back. This is alot.

Walking back into the living room with Liam I sit down and fill our drinks smiling at the two of them cuddled up.
"You OK baby, you look abit flustered" he asks me licking his lips.
"Ye..yes" I stutter and wonder where the fuck that came from.
"Fuck I want you right now" he tells me in my ear and I clench my thighs.
"We can't there here" I tell him and he shrugs
"Your telling me that but your body tells me differently" he groans showing me how much he wants me with his hard dick.
I squirm pulling my hand away shaking my head and grabbing my glass and bottle looking back at him. He laughs at me and I take a deep breath while he adjusts his hard on.
"All in good time handsome" I grab his thigh and rub my hand up then pour another glass. Yes I'm teasing myself I know.
"Do you not find it hot in here?" he asks looking at me as he pulls his top over his head and I can't help but squirm. Shit he's hot. Damn no fair. I can't do that.
"I could really devour a treasure right now, how about you baby?" I ask him and I think take that one. He swallows visibly and I smirk at him.
"Baby, don't play with me. I'll take you up them stairs and devour you right now" he tells me into my ear and I see his dick slowly start to rise again. Fuck. This is not working.
"Are you love birds done?" Angelica says and Liam sighs sitting back and his dick instantly goes down. My poor baby.
"He just desperately wants his treasure babe, don't worry" I say and wink at him. Fuck what did I start. He stares at my hand that's on his thigh slowly edging further up and i can tell he's bracing himself for something.. Anything and I run it back down to his knee again. He drops his head back and I run my hand up again and back down. I'm owning this tease and my husband is hopeless. He's struggling with this, it's driving him insane I can see it. But I don't want to stop touching him.
"I will take you up stairs and not care what they think" he tells me and I spin my head looking at him. I raise a brow and he does it back challenging me.
I sit there debating it. I do want my husband now but I wanna play. A game..
"Can we continue the truth game.. But no shots" Angelica asks and Liam nods and I wonder who he has a question for?
"You joining Becky.. Truth game?" Liam calls out to Becky who walks through the room. The girls are a sleep she must want adult company..
"Sure, why not" she says walking upto us and sitting down.
"Feel free to have a drink, there's rum or rosé" Liam offers her and she points to the wine and gets back up grabbing a glass.
I watch Angelica grab the bottle and spin it and it lands on Jason.
"Are you really happy about us all living together as a family after everything?" Angelica asks him and I look to Jason wanting to know that aswell. Is he happy about this?
"At first I just went along with it for the girls sake but after today and seeing how we all are together and this place. I love it and think it could work. We'll just need some boundaries" he says and I nod agreeing.
"Totally understand bro. It will just be how we lived before nothing needs to change
We'll just ask for couple space when wanting it and Becky should move in" Liam says and Becky looks at him surprised.
"What? Are you serious?" she asks beaming at him.
"Absolutely, the girls love you and you do a great job. You will only need to work and be in the mansion when we're at work. You'll have days off and every other weekend" Liam tells her and Angelica looks happy like she had the same idea.
"Sounds like a plan." I say and Liam smiles at me.
Jason spins the bottle and it lands on me.. Great. Here it goes..
"How do you feel about Mya calling Liam daddy?" Angelica asks and I smile at her.
"I'm happy she has Liam, Victor's not the best father even now. I just feel bad for her but if she sees Liam as her dad thats her decision to choose. It just makes me so fucking thrilled. My lucky girl" I say and Liam pulls me closer to him kissing me.
"I'm the lucky one baby I feel so honored" he tells me grinning. Am I dreaming?
I spin the bottle and it lands back on Jason and Liam perks up.
"Bro, I have a question.. Dress code. Talk to me what is deemed inappropriate?" he asks Jason clearly needing to know and he looks at Liam with a raised eyebrow.
"How are you dressing around my wife? I can do me because Angelica's my sister.. Keep ya goods away or you'll have none" Liam tells him and laughs and he laughs shaking his head.
"I'll dress how you do brother, we're all adults the past is the past." Jason tells Liam and I nod agreeing it needs to be I thought watching him. I just hope these buried feelings hes held for so long stay buried now we're all living together.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now