Chapter 136 Liam's POV

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Pulling up out side Angelica's I take a deep breath.
"Stay here, get out and do you but I've got this" I tell Tommy and climb out the back.
Here we go again..
I walk up the path and let myself in thinking fuck it. She's gonna kick off anyways. Walking in I hear Lexi giggling and it's a welcome sound. I've missed her alot.
I stand in the doorway and see Angelica sat on the floor playing with her and she suddenly jumps clearly seeing me out her peripheral vision and screw faces at me.
"You really need to give me my key back" she says rolling her eyes and standing up.
"We need to talk" I tell her and she crosses her arms looking at me.
"No you speak to your lawyer and it will get back to me. I have nothing to say to you" she tells me and I swear I just want to shake her to death.
"Listen, I ain't your husband so drop the lawyer shit. I've come here to talk to you and help you see sense" I tell her and she laughs.
"I don't want to talk to you so fucking leave before I call the police" she says pointing to the door.
"I ain't leaving so drop the attuide and sit the fuck down" I tell her and take a seat myself.
"What no threats this time? Did I offer you to sit in my house!" she stresses and I laugh at her. She really is not the woman we all thought.
"I'm trying here so sit NOW!" I warn her and she hesitates but does as I say
"I still don't wanna talk to you" she says turning her back to me. So fucking childish
"Ruby is staying with me, you don't want to continue down this path. Why make things worse for us all. Think of Ruby for once" I tell her and she just looks at me not talking.. Seriously
"You really not going to talk. Ok that's fine then listen. How you going to have Ruby and Lexi all on your own with no help from anyone. No family. No income, nothing" I ask her and she swallows.
"How you acting right now is the reason we are where we are. You did this Angelica. Not me, not Jason and certainly not Ruby. Just you" I tell her and she stands up.
"You need to get the fuck out of my house. Before I do something you'll regret" she threatens me and I laugh at her.
"I'll never have any regrets when it comes to you so stop with the empty threats because you won't do ANYTHING!" I raise my voice at her and she steps back.
I wish I brought my queen with me. I wanna rip her fucking head off and feed it to whoever wants it.
"Just get out my house and I suggest the next time you come you bring my daughter" she demands and I laugh at her again.
"You mean mine and Stacey's daughter. Ruby's forgotten about you already. You mean nothing to none of us. Your pathetic" I tell her and she clenches her fists
"Do it, I dare you" I say and she realises her hands and takes a deep breath.
"Just leave Liam I'm done with all of you. I just want my daughter and you'll never see me again" she tells me
"You have your daughter. She's right there" I point to Lexi and she raises a brow
"Just give me Ruby" she says and I sigh. I'm clearly not getting through to her. Fuck!
"It's not happening. Accept it. Learn it, live it, love it" I smirk at her and she just stares at me.. Standing I get up and make my way to Lexi.
"Dont touch my baby" she tells me and I ignore her and she approaches me. I turn and tower over her.
"You gonna stop me from saying hello to my niece?" I ask her and she stands infront of me.
"She means nothing to you. Now leave" she tells me shoving me back.
"Is that all you've got, small and weak" I mock her chuckling.
"Just fuck off already and give me the key. You don't need to be here. Ever!" she stresses
"I'll give you the key after I've said hello to Lexi" I tell her and she thinks about it but steps out of my way sighing..
I bend down and pick her up crouching.
I give her a kiss and cuddle and look at her.
"I'll see you soon baby girl" I tell her and put her back down.
"Wasn't that hard was it to be nice" I ask her and she rolls her eyes holding out her hand.
"Just shut up give me my key and leave" she says and I laugh thinking you don't deserve anything.
"What the fuck did my brother marry and have a kid with. Your disgusting" I say and I look down at her wrist and snap the bracelet off and rip the chain from around her neck. I'd rather it be broken that her wear it. My mum would be disgusted in her.
"Take it. I don't care, I was gonna sell it anyways since Jason's blocked my credit card" she says so I reach into my pocket and throw money at her.
"There, for YOUR daughter" I emphasize the your because Ruby isn't anything to her.
I'm doing my daughter a favour by ridding her life of her. She has a real mum. I look at her in disgust and walk out the living room and up the stairs I need to pack and I need the rest if the jewelery.
Pulling out my phone I call Tommy.
"Liam" he answers straight away.
"Come inside and straight up the stairs I need some help" I tell him and hang up as I rummage through her jewelery box hearing the front door slam and running up the stairs. He appears in the door way looking around and I laugh.
"My bad bro. I didn't specify. I need help packing" I tell him and he sighs shaking his head chuckling.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now