Chapter 47

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"Mummy, Daddy" I hear suddenly and I jump up and run into the bedroom heart racing Liam behind me.
"What isit? What's wrong?" we ask them looking them over.
"Frozen everywhere" Mya says and I sigh. Really? I thought something had happened. Fucking hell.
"Do you like it baby?" I ask her and she jumps on the bed.
"Love, Love" she says and spins around looking at everything
"What about you princess? Do you love it?" Liam asks Ruby and she grins wide getting up to obviously bounce too.
"Love it daddy" she says and they both scream. This is gonna be my life..

Sitting at the table in the kitchen with Liam and the girls having breakfast and I smile looking at them all. I wish it could be like this always. Maybe it can be.
"Baby" I says looking at him and he hums at me.
"I don't want to trial run" I tell him and he looks up at me
"What do you want then? To just all live together in the mansion?" he says and I smile fiddling with my ring.
"And the other thing on your mind is?" he says and I grin wide.
"I've found the perfect dress and I'm picking.. Well trying it on today. Where getting married soon" I spill my guts and he stares at me with a wide grin..
"Are you serious baby. Don't play with me" he warns and I giggle.
"I need you to ring the registrar. He needs you to answer somethings, so go do that when you've done" I tell him and he jumps straight up pulling out his phone. That's my eager baby. No fucking about.. I stand up and collect all the bowls and rinse them before putting them into the dishwasher. I take the girls upstairs while Liam's on the phone and clean them up before getting them dressed in something cute for the day ahead..

"It's sorted beautiful . We're getting married at 2pm tomorrow" he tells me and I scream a little overly excited. I'm getting married. Oh my fucking god!
"Well it's 9am we have a day and I need to go get four dresses. And go to a salon. Are you coming or are you watching the girls while I go?" I ask him as I slide on my black flats.
"I'll stay and watch the girls it will be easier for you to be in and out of shops and come back to us. We need to get Lexi aswell so I'll call Becky and get that sorted for tomorrow. I can't believe we're getting married this soon" he says and kisses me.
"Take this aswell, no arguments beautiful" he says handing me a card and I sigh.
"Fine, thanks baby I appreciate it" I smile up at him.
"I love you baby so much" he tells me and I run out the room.
"I love you too" I call out and I see the girls standing at the gate smiling at me. I give them both a kiss and run out the door grabbing my car keys and bag. I hope they still have my dress.

Arriving at the boutique I seen my dress in I walk up to the shop assistant and show her a picture on my phone of the dress.
"Yes we have that, let me go get it for you hun" she says and I beam so fucking happy.. "Thank you so much" I tell her and she gestures for me to follow her.

Standing at the mirror in the dress I love it, and it looks amazing on. Like wow.
"I hope Liam approves" I say to myself because I love it.
Taking the dress back off I hand it to the lady waiting and hold up my thumb.
"Definitely" I call out and she claps happily. Now for the girls dresses.

Finding a white cute bridesmaids dress in there sizes and purchasing all four dresses checking the time. 12pm. I need to go to Angel's now.
Grabbing the bags I head to my car and climb in pulling out my phone to call Liam.
"I got all four dresses baby, I need to go to the salon now. Are the girls OK?" I ask him pulling on my seat belt.
"The girls are perfectly fine. Where heading to the park, so go to the salon take your time and we'll see you later beautiful" he says and I smile thankful to have him.. To actually be marrying him.
"Thanks baby, if you need me just call. I love you" I tell him
"I will do baby, I love you too" he says and we hang up.

Arriving at Angel's I run in and speak to the receptionist.
"Please say to have availability" I ask and she looks at me.
"Stacey right?" she asks me and I nod.
"Yes?" I ask confused
"I have you booked in for everything, go through, there waiting for you" she tells me and I smile walking in.
"Hey hun, let's get you started shall we.." a young girl says to me smiling and I head over to a seat.

After being waxed everywhere and my eyebrows threaded, new red nails, my toes painted the same with a new set of eyelashes and my hair washed and blow dryed I'm officially done. I check the time and see it's 3pm and I bet Liam's having fun with the girls.
"Thanks for everything" I tell the girls and they wave smiling at me as I leave the salon.
Making my way to the car I see Victor get out his car and look at me.
"Wow Ba... Stacey" he says and I smirk at the quick change. He's learnt..
"Victor" I say and look him over disgusted. He tried to ruin everything for me.
I turn to get in my car and see Liam walking towards me holding the girls on each arm. My family that's what they are. Victor is nothing to me or us. I have my king.
"I want to see my daughter" Victor suddenly says and I look at him and smile.
"Of course, she's right there.. Do you remember her name?" I ask him sarcastically and he sighs. I don't fucking care he's only interested because Liam's here.
"You don't want a relationship with her. You just don't want her to have one with Liam. And you know what that's sad because he's been an amazing dad to her and your nothing to either of us. Just go home Victor" I tell him calmly and suddenly feel Liam behind me.
"She's my daughter not his" Victor spits angrily and I laugh at him.
"She's MY daughter and I get to decide. You don't even know her because you don't care Victor. Don't ruin her life like you tried to ruin mine. She deserves better" I tell him and he just sighs running his hand over his face.
"Listen, this conversations done. Go home Victor you've been told by my queen, don't make her king break his promise because I'm itching to.. So bad" Liam says and I smirk. That's my baby. We do need to have a conversation about this. I think I've changed my mind. We're not going to be able to move on with him in our faces.
I know the beast wants him.. I might let him have at it.. Why fucking not?

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now