Chapter 36

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"I'll see you later beautiful, goodbye sweetheart" Liam says to me and Mya as we stand at the door, as he leaves to go see Ruby. I know he misses her and this is going to be a change that's difficult for him but I'm gonna be here.
"I love you" I tell him and kiss him as he walks down the path to his car..
"I love you too" he calls back and I shut the door smiling as he gets into his car.
"Shall we go check on the bakery baby?" I say to her as I grab her coat and put her down.

Pulling up at the bakery I climb out the car and collect Mya.
"Stacey your back" Sam calls out from the counter smiling as I put Mya down.
"Thought I'd check up on the place and see how it's going" I tell him and he nods smiling at me.
"Its great, customers are flowing as always and enjoying everything. Lauren's getting a lot better to" he tells me and that makes me so happy and proud. I've taught her well.
"Are you coming back to live and work?" He says looking at Mya smiling..
"about that.. I'll be living with Liam and thought maybe you'd want to let the apartment?" I ask him and he beams at me. I take it he likes the idea.
"That'd be awesome Stacey, and work?" he asks and I nod smiling..
"I'm coming back to work, it'll be just less hours" I tell him and he nods.
"Well we've all missed you so it'll be good to have you back boss" he tells me and I feel all fuzzy whenever he calls me boss for some reason. Even tho I've had the bakery for eight years. I was 19.. Fucking hell I'm growing up fast.
"I'll leave you too it as I need to pack my things I might see you later I'm not sure" I tell him and pick Mya up.
"Alright, have fun" he says chuckling and I walk through the back to the elevator.

"Homeee" Mya says as I open the front door and step in. Putting her down she runs to find her things to be disappointed..
"This isn't home baby, remember" I say to her and she lights up..
"Liam's home" she says and nod grinning.
"Our home baby" I tell her and she claps and runs into her room.
Walkikg into the kitchen I grab bags and start to bag up everything that's mine. Walking into the bedroom I grab more bags and start on my footwear and bags and then pull out a suitcase for my clothes.
Piling everything in I sit on my bed with a sigh. I'll miss living here but I'm looking forward to living back in my old home with Liam more. Our family..
Walking into the bathroom I bag up all the toiletries and zip it up and take it into the kitchen with the rest of the stuff. Just Mya's room left.

Hearing my phone ring I grab my purse and fish out my phone.
"Hey girl" I say to Angelica down the phone..
"Hey babes, Ruby would like to know if Mya can sleep over again?" she says and I laugh looking at Mya.
"Yeah that's fine babe, when was you thinking?" I ask her finishing up with her clothes.
"Tomorrows good babe" she says and I smile at Mya thinking she's gonna love it again.
"That's great babe, I'll see you tomorrow then" I tell her
"Alright babes, see you" she says and we hang up.

Taking all the stuff down stairs and Sam takes Mya for me so it makes it easier to move back and forth.
Walking back into the bakery feeling hot and bothered I sit down and Sam walks over to me and puts down a bottle wattle infront of me and sits with Mya on his lap.
"I need you here tomorrow, just had a big order and I need your help boss" he says and I get excited. I love big orders..
"I'll be here first thing, I can't wait" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"So when can I move in upstairs?" he asks me and I hand him the keys.
"Today if you want to I've finished I think. But if you find anything just let me know" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Where have you been with my daughter" I suddenly hear from behind me and I turn to see Victor standing there looking pissed. Fuck sake not now.
"Your daughter..don't make me laugh. She's been at home and at Ruby's where else would she be victor?" I ask him being smart and he rolls his eyes at me.
"Your back with him aren't you and you're dragging her into this" he says and I roll my eyes at him. Her? Not even her name
"Her? It's Mya and it hasn't got anything to do with you, don't act like your concerned" I tell him then turn back to Sam.
"Of course I'm concerned he's a fucking criminal, he ruined you. Now your gonna let him do the same to her" Victor says and I stand so fast spinning and slap him across the face he didn't even see it coming.
"So my queen.. My promise, talk to me" I hear Liam and I look at his eyes turning black. Victor needs to be taught a lesson but Mya's here to. Fuck.
"Liam!" Mya shouts and runs over to him happily. Shit I don't know how he's going to react to her. She's not me. I step forward and Liam swoops down and picks her up. I sigh with relief watching them.
"Hello sweetheart" Liam says to her, back to normal instantly. Wow.
"Just go Victor, no one wants you here" I tell him sighing.
"Go our home Liam" Mya asks and Liam smiles.
"Absolutely sweetheart, let's go mummy" Liam says to me and I grab my things.
"I'll see you tomorrow Sam" I tell him and he nods getting up.
"My daughter will not live with a criminal" he grits out angrily and I laugh at him.
"Because your any better Victor. Leave us alone. Did you come to see Mya?" I ask him and he sighs. That's what I thought.
"I came to see you baby girl" he says and my while body shakes. I fucking hate it..
I walk away from him and Liam hands me Mya and walks straight upto Victor
"Listen you've been told more than enough times to stop with the baby girl so do it and if your going to step up and be a dad then do it or disappear. Do I make myself clear" he warns Victor and I smile. I couldn't of said it better myself. He really is in control of himself now. He warned him without raising his voice or violence. He did the right thing.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now