Chapter 125

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Drinks are flowing and everyones laughing and having a good time. The food went down a treat and I find myself sitting in Liam's lap as Jason sits next to us so he's not alone.
"You feeling better?" I ask him and he smiles at me.
"Always when I'm with you lot" he says and I smile at him.
"Dont let her bring you down. You can do better" I tell him and he laughs.
"We really talking about her" Liam says and I shush him.
"Dont listen then, I'm trying to make him feel better" I tell Liam and he rolls his eyes.
"ig will be better her free" he says and Jason laughs. Fucking hell what. A thing to say.
"Yeah but he's still gonna be how he is. They were married.. Would you be happy if I filed for a divorce?" I ask him raising a brow.
"Yes if you did what she did and said what she said today" he says and I look at him confused. I hVe no idea what he's tLking about.
"I'll fill you in tomorrow" he says and I nod thinking what could she have possibly said that she hasn't already?
"Enough of her.. I need to get laid asap" Jason says and I laugh. Of course that's what he's thinking about.
"I've got you bro, tell me when" Liam tells him and I roll my eyes.
"How have you got him? Mr married man.." I ask him raising a brow and he looks away..
"Ricis over there, he can hook him up" he diverts the conversation and laughs.
"Yeah I bet he can but like you said you have contacts. Help a brother out" Jason says to Liam
"What now?" Liam ask him and Jason nods.
"Why not. I'm a divorcee" he says and I can't help but laugh. Fucking divorcee really?
"You wanna bring some random bitch into my house. Are you mad?" I ask Jason and liam chuckles
"I'll sort it tomorrow and you can go out for it" Liam tells him and I smile at him. He fucking knows.
"You got something to say baby?" Liam asks me and I hum at him.
"Nothing, I'm just minding my business" I tell him picking at the sausage rolls
"That's my good queen" he says chucking and I raise a brow at him.
"I can be good if that's what you want?" I ask him with squinted eyes and it takes a minute for him to process what I'm saying.
"You know I like it bad, don't play with me baby" he says and I want to ban him but who the fuck am I kidding I'll be the one to break it.
"Either way by the end of the night I'll get my release" he says and I look at him raising my brow. Will you now.
"Dont worry baby, your my first option or I'll go down stairs and get it" he says and I just stare at him.
"I'd rather you release in me" I tell him and Jason's mouth pops open as he look at me and I laugh.
"What?" I say laughing
"Seriously.. I don't need to hear this. I'm dying over here. Otherwkse it's be a repeat of before. And no one wants that" he says and I shove him.
"Your nasty ass" I tell him as he laughs but Liam's quiet.. Oops
Suddenly he's lifting me off him and walking out. What the..
"No one follow. I mean it" Liam say coldly and I shiver. Fuck. Does that mean me too?
"Stupid, why would you say that" I whine at Jason and he just states at me
"I was just being honest. I thought he was over it already.. We had a good day and now hes acting like this fuck sake" Jason says and I sigh downing my drink. I need to see if he OK. I don't care what he says. I'll do as I please.
Standing up I sway a little and gather my bearings as Jason grabs me.
"I'm fine" I tell him walking off to find my baby. Walking past the kitchen I see Liam leaning against the counter knocking back a bottle of something..
"Baby, don't be mad" I tell him walking over to him and standing in front of him.
"I ain't mad and I told you not to follow me. I needed some me time" he says with a blank expression and I sigh feeling to just sober up now.
"Well I don't want you to be alone" I tell him walking closer to him guarding like a fucking wild animal. Any moment he could snap.
"Just go and enjoy your drink and your chat, I'll be back in soon" he says and I shake my head.
"Baby don't be like this. I haven't seen you all day and now you want to just what stand in the kitchen and drink yourself stupid, I don't think so" I tell him crossing my arms and he sighs.
"Stacey please just go back into the living room I'm fine, and you just prolonging my alone time.. Just go" he says coldly and I step back.
"Dont Stacey me and whatever do what you want. I don't care" I tell him and walk off but he grabs me.
"Dont be like that baby, you know what I'm saying" he says and I shrug.
"You being stubborn and taking everything seriously. He was obviously joking Liam" I tell him and he awigs again from his bottle.
"It will never be a joke listening to another man say he wants to have a wank over my wife" he says and I put my hand on my head.
"Look it wasn't the best comment granted but he's just hurting. You know he sisnt mean it. Don't fall out again over something stupid" I tell hims and he shrugs.
"I left because it bothered me, I did the right thing" he says and I take the bottle from him and drink some downing a load.
"So you think I like my brother fantasising about you. If he was any one else he'd already be dead but I can't because I wouldn't be able to live with that. So I just have to sit there and listen to his fucking stupid comments and take a breather before I pounded his face in" he says and I hand him the bottle back clearly he needs it
"I'm soryy baby, what can I do?" I ask him and he just stands there staring past me. I turn to see what he's looking at and see Jason standing there. Great. Here we go.
"Come in brother, I was joking. I did say I don't want to because I don't. I want this to work. I have no one else but you guys left" Jason says sadly and I feel for him. He's lost everything today.
"I'm here, and we're good. Quit with your dumb comments about my wife" Liam warns him and Jason nods.
"My bad bro, I was just in the moment with you both. Its not like I'm asking to join isit" he says and I feel Liam take a step closer to me. Fuck why would you say that.
"I will ban you from drinking or being drunk in my fucking house Jason I swear to god.. Keep fucking talking" Liam warn him and he has a point. Drunk Jason's not funny
"Brother I'm a grown man if I wanna drink I'll drink, you just said we're good" Jason says and Liam swigs from the bottle again
"Not in my fucking house if your gonna act like a fucking cunt I'll start locking it away from you like a fucking alcoholic" Liam spits getting angry. This isn't a good sign
"Now who's being sensitive bro, you'd think you was getting a divorce" Jason says walking towards us..
"Come and let's go back in there and have a drink and a laugh. This moping not good for no one" Jason says continuing to walk towards us.
"I'm not in the mood brother just go enjoy yourself" Liam tells him and I have an idea.
"Come with me" I grab Liam's hand and pull him out the kitchen away from Jason and towards his office. He wants to let off steam then he can downstairs, then with me.
"Where you taking me? I need more drink. I want the fucking rum" he says and I sigh.
"Downstairs, let off some steam and then we'll come back up grab the rum and go to bed. Deal?" I ask him and he smirk.
See there he is.
"Deal my queen, thank you" he says and I kiss him quickly then open his office door pulling him in.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now