Chapter 113

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One week later

"Why is it not happening? What's wrong with me?" I stress and Liam just holds me as we stand in the bathroom.
"It's OK baby, don't get stressed about it. It's not gonna help, it will happen my queen" he tells me but I just feel like we're doing something wrong.
We're fucking like God damn rabbits and I'm still not pregnant. Why?
"Talk to me baby, don't spiral on me" he says and I start to feel emotional. Why can't I give him what he wants? Are we being punished?

We need a fucking doctor" I tell him and he nods hugging me to him.
"Whatever you need baby, we'll find the best doctors out there. It will happen" he tells me and I feel better knowing he wants this just as bad.
"Thank you baby. I don't know what wrong with me. Where constantly going at it. It doesn't make sense" I tell him sighing
"Stop that now. We don't know why your not pregnant but we will found out" he tells me and I slowly nod. What if it is me? Will he leave me if I can't give him what he wants? Fuck oh my god he's going to leave me. I start to panic and my tears fall. Shit
"Baby why you crying, please talk to me" he says sounding concerned and I put my head down.
"Your going to leave me if I can't give you what you want" I say and let my tears fall more. He pulls my head back up to look at him and wipes my tears.
"I'm going nowhere baby, whether we have more babies or not. We are Always and Forever remember" he say and I just stare into his eyes. He says this now. But what about in a year or five when the girls are grown up and he wants another one. He said he wants a god damn football team.
"Will you stop going quiet. Say what your thinking" he tells me and I shake my head. No.
"I know you want loads of babies Liam. You can't just say your OK with not having more when I know you do" I tell him and he sighs.
"Yes baby I want more with you and if I can't then I don't care. I want them with you and you only" he says softly and I wrap my arms around him holding him to me. I can't lose him. Not again.
"I love you and I'm here no matter what I promise. Please believe me baby" he tells me as he just holds me. What are we going to do.
"I love you too baby, thankyou but I need a doctor.. Today" I tell him and he nods.
"Whatever you need, we'll find one right now" he says and pulls me out the bathroom.

Sitting in his office on his laptop googling alsorts and freaking myself out more I find a doctor that does call outs and get Liam to call her.
"Here, ring her. I want her here today. No excuses" I tell him and he nods grabbing his phone and I leave him to it and go see the girls. It's all I'm gonna have anyways.
Walking into the living room I drop down in the sofa and look at the girls playing. Will I ever have anymore of you?
I just sit there staring at them feeling my tears fall again and wipe them away quickly crying is not going to fucking help Stacey.
Liam appears on the phone still and I look to him and he's smiling.
"Great, thanks again and I'll see you soon" he says and hangs up.
"She'll be here in an hour baby" he tells me and I jump up. Wow I wasn't expecting today to be honest but I'm happy.
"Thank you baby, it means alot you doing this" I tell him and he sits down next to me.
"You don't need to thank me, I'm doing this for us. I want to know just as bad as you do?" he tells me and I nod. I hope he does and this can be sorted.
"I know baby and we will find out soon hopefully" I tell him and he pulls me into him and holds me.
"Don't pull away from me baby. I'm going through the same thing as you. We need to be a team in this like everything else." he says and I look up at him.
"I don't mean to baby. My thoughts just spiral and I close off. It's not your fault. I love you" I tell him and kiss him affectionately
"It's OK I just wanted you to know incase you didn't realize you was doing it and I love you too" he tells me and I smile at him.
"I didn't. Thank you for telling me, I'll try not to but just tell me if I am" I say and he nods holding me tightly to him.
I don't know what I'd do without him.

After giving the girls some dinner the doctor finally turned up stuck at the gate so Liam runs to his office letting her in and I make my way to the door to greet her.
Waiting patiently tapping my foot she finally knocks and I open the door instantly.
"Hi I'm Dr Louise Greene, you must be Mrs Johnson" she says politely and I smile at her.
"That's me, please call me Stacey" I invite her in and escort her to the lounge room.
"Can I get you anything a drink? Maybe" I ask her and she shakes her head.
"No thanks hun I'm OK" she tells me and turns when she hears something.
"Nice to meet you Mr Johnson" Louise say as she sees Liam coming from his office direction.
"Hi yes nice to meet you Dr Greene" Liam says to her with a smile and shakes her offering hand.
We walk along the corridor and I open the door and escort her inside. Taking a seat I wait for her to sit down.
"So what seems to be the problem?" she asks getting straight to the point.
"Well we don't seem to be getting pregnant" I tell her sighing and she nods understanding our dilemma.
"It doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with either of you it can sometimes just take a while" she tells me and I sigh. I know this already Doc..
"We have sex.. Alot and still nothing" Liam says and I look at him wide eyed. Why would you say that. Louise just laughs it off.
"It's alright hun. I need to know these things, how long have you been trying?" she asks and I look to Liam..
"Its been a few months now that we've stopped using protection" I tell her and she nods again.
"Have you both had any issues before? Do you already have children?" she asks and we both nod
"We both have one each already.. But we want one together" Liam tells her and she smiles.
"Because it's only been a few months it could be simple things like stress, how are you periods?" she ask me and I sigh.
"There regular but they only last a couple of days" I tell her and she nods again.
"And your eating regularly and healthy?" she asks and I nod my head at her
"Everyday two to three times most days" I tell her and she nods again.
"Eating properly will help and a regular sleeping patten will too" she says and I sigh. Is that it. Eat properly and sleep.
"Because you've only been trying for a few months I'd like to see you in another six months. I want you to take these everyday and we'll go from there hun" she says handing me the tablet bottle. 'Folic acid' great I hate pills. But whatever it takes to get pregnant.
"So if you ring my assistant and she will book you in for six months time and see how things are then. You could be pregnant by then hun. Don't worry or stress so much that's not helpful" she says standing grabbing her bag and I think is that it?
"I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful Mr and Mrs Johnson. I know these things are stressful but just continue how you are with these tablet and eating and sleeping good. You've done it before you can do it again hun, positive thinking" she tells me with a bright smile and I smile back walking her out.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now