Chapter 84

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Waking up to the girls bouncing on the bed. Eughh help me.
"Mummy daddy" Mya says and I look at her like where did this come from. She never did this in the apartment.
"Are you hungry?" Liam asks them and they both nod and bounce onto there bums.
"So you want your breakfast now.. I see" Liam says and I look at him. Don't play with my babies.
"Yess daddy, peeese" they both say and I climb out the bed grabbing a robe and wrap it around myself quickly. I throw Liam some shorts and take the girls with me.
"Let's go girls, daddy be down in a minute" I tell them and they clap happily.

Standing in the kitchen while the girls sit at the table I lool at them both smiling at me
"What do you want to eat then?" I ask them both and they both scream.
"COCO POPS MUMMY" and I look at Ruby confused she just screamed the same thing.
"Sorry Stacey" she says looking at me sadly. I crouch down to her and give her a hug.
"It's OK baby, you call me what you want to" I tell her and kiss her, making her feel better. I need to tell Liam. It might just be a spare of the moment copying Mya but it made me feel all fuzzy and excited.
"Soo coco pops it is girls" I tell them pulling out bowls and the cereal with milk and spoons.
Fixing up there food I give it to them and they both smile up at me.
"Thanks you" they say and dig in.
"Your both welcome, now daddies turn" I say and turn to the fridge. He hasn't had his combo sndwhich in a while. He's gonna need it if he's coming out with me to the salon.
I pull the frying pan out and heat up some oil before adding the sausages then bacon when there nearly cooked.
"Done mummy" Mya says and I turn to see an empty bowl.
"Good girl, both of you. I tell them and clean them up taking the bowls.
Where's Liam, I bet he's having a fucking shower.
Turning all the food while the girls go play I grab bread and plates. Angelica and Jason suddenly appear in the room and I sigh not wanting to argue today. I need a ckear head for this meeting.
"Good morning" Jason says and I smile at him.
"Morning, ill be done soon for you. Just making Liam his combo" I tell him while Angelica just stares at me. Fuck sake she's clearly still holding a grudge.
"Baby, I smell my sandwiches" I hear being called out then Liam appears with a massive grin. That's what I like to see. But then like normal.
"Morning brother" Jason says to Liam and he hums.
"Good morning it is" he says back and I smile thanking he's still in a good mood.
Taking out the sausage and bacon I crack egg after egg frying them and start to build up the sandwich for both of us except Liam has multiple and I have one.
I turn off the pan and move it out the way and squirt Ketchup over everything and take them to the table.
"Someone's extra happy this morning" Angelica says to Liam sounding bitter as hell. Aww your husband got his ass whooped.
"Leave it angel" Jason tells her sighing and she looks at him now rolling her eyes.
Seriously she's the only one with a problem.
"Well our breakfasts getting cold so if you don't mind" I say and walk with the plates into the living room where the girls went off to play.
"Morning babes" I say when I see Becky and she smiles up at me.
"Morning both of you,.. I need to talk to you both" she says.
"Good morning Becky" Liam says still in his good mood thank God.
"I need to talk to you aswell but go ahead or do you need privacy?" he asks her and she shakes her head.
"Here's fine. I was wondering if I could take some time off to pack and sort out college why you guys are all here" she says and I smile at her and liam nods.
"That's exactly what I was going to offer you, but it needs to be tomorrow at the earliest as where leaving out today" Liam says and she nods grinning.
"That's fine maybe over the next few days" she says looking between us bith.
"Take your time hun, we will sort transport and everything for you to come and go don't worry babe" I tell her and she sighs with relief. We are in the middle of nowhere after all.

After eating and taking a shower I got ready quickly for the shopping trip and now I'm currently sitting on the floor and playing with the girls rolling around as Liam joins in they both climb on him and he tickles them till there a giggling mess.
I look up and see Jason walk into the room so I quickly fix my clothes just incase and sit up.
"Brother I need some things from my house can you do that for me as your leaving?" he asks Liam and he sighs.
"What do you need?" Liam asks him and he looks to be relieved that he didn't say no.
"I'll write you a list and Lexi needs bits to" he says and Liam nods getting up.
"Go into the office and leave it in the desk I'll collect it before I leave" Liam tell him and Jason nods walking out. This is awkward and strange as hell.
"Make sure you get the right stuff for my baby you know" Angelica says looking at me and I raise a brow.
"You should be grateful I'm doing anything for you babes" I tell her and she storms off again..
"I need to tell you something baby" I tell him and he looks at me weiry.
"It's about Ruby" I tell him and he gives me his full attention.
"She called me mummy" I just come out with it and he looks at me open mouthed gaping.
Yeah I know.
"Wow.. When?" he asks and I smile at her playing.
"This morning in the kitchen I don't know if it was because of Mya but they both screamed it at me" I tell him and he grabs me pulling me onto his lap
"How did it make you feel baby?" he asks me
"Excited, scared, happy" I tell him and he nods understanding.
"What did you say to her after? Did you correct her?" he asks me and I shake my head looking down.
"She corrected herself and apologized but I told her she can call me whatever she wants to.. If that's OK with you" I ask him and he just stares at me.. Was I wrong?
"Of course I'm OK with that baby, why would I not be mummy" he says softly and I laugh really Liam
"I don't know, she calls Angelica mum I don't want to confuse her baby" I tell him honestly
"I understand baby, I just don't get why she corrected herself and apologized" he says and I shrug not knowing either.
"I'll talk to her now" he says and I nod getting up.
"I'll leave you too it then and take Mya to get ready, bring Ruby up when your done"
He looks at me like whey you leaving.
"She might open up for you if I leave with Mya, it's OK. Really" I tell him and lean down to kiss him then pick Mya up and take her upstairs to get dressed.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now