Chapter 137

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"I'll see you soon hunny, don't be a stranger" Eva tells me and I hug her.
"I won't be, thanks for this. And Tali. It means alot" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"I enjoyed myself. It's been awhile" she says and I smile.
"So did I. We'll do this again" I tell her and look to Tali.
"I'll see you Monday Tali" I tell her and she nods smiling at me.
"10am sharp" she tells me and I smile at her.
"You ready Rico?" I ask him as he says his byes to them aswell.
"Yeah boss. Let's go" he says escorting me out the restaurant
Walking out to the car he opens the door for me and climbs in.
I hear my phone ringing in my bag so I quickly rummage through and pull it out seeing its my king.
"Hi baby" I say answering
"I've missed you my queen" he tells me and I melt into the back seat.
"I miss you. How's your day been?" I ask him and he sighs. Not good then..
"Angelica won't budge.. I haven't even finished my business and I need to pick up Sian, when all I want to do is see you" he says and I smile.
"Well I've finished with Eva and I have nothing else so why don't I help you out a little baby. Lighten the load" I tell him and I can tell he's smiling..
"Come straight to me I'll text Rico where" he tells me and I instantly smile.
"I'll be there soon. I have some good news to tell you" I tell him my smile growing.
"I can't wait baby. See you soon. I love you" he says making my heart beat quicker.
"I love you too baby bye" I say and hang up. Yaay I'm going to see him.
I hear Rico's phone ping and know that it's Liam straight away.
"It's Liam, step on it" I tell him sitting back feeling the car shoot forward moving faster.

Getting closer to Nottingham I pull my phone out and call Sian.
"Oh my god hi" she says and I laugh.
"I'm nearly back in notts. Are you ready to be picked up soon?" I tell her and she squeals like she used to. Fucking hell..
"I'm packed and ready. Kai took the kids out anyways. So whenever you get here babe, I'm waiting for you" she tells me and I smile.
"OK I'll pick you up first I won't be to long babe I'll beep when I'm outside" I tell her
"Alright see you soon bye" she says and we hang up. Tonights gonna be fun I can feel it. I just hope Liam's in a better mood.
"You making me work on my last day ain't you boss. Where to?" he asks and laughs looking at me through the mirror.
"You got this Rico. You'll get to see Becky more aswell. Stop moaning you love it really" I tell him and he nods grinning.
"Sian's address should be programmed into the satnav" I tell him and he clicks a few buttons and it pops up talking.
Saves me a job..

Pulling up at Sian's he beeps the horn and I see Sian coming out her door like she was literally waiting.
She jumps in the back and looks at Rico.
"You have your own driver?" she asks shocked and I nod my head flipping my hair over my shoulder. Smug much.
"I do. He's my security for the day. I just hired a women who apparently can fuck shit up" I tell her and she laughs.
"Look at you. Your happy and have everything you wanted" she says hugging me.
"This is what Liam does to me. Boosts my confidence and gives me his unconditional love that I thrive off. What can I say" I say chuckling.
"And constantly fucking, don't forget that boss" Rico says and Sian laughs.
"They've been like that since school, used to skip lesson for a quickie" she says and Rico laughs. Really Sian.
"Shut up" I whine at her and they both laugh further.. I need my man.
"Shut it you and take me to my husband" I slap Rico around the back of his head.
"Yes boss" he salutes me making Sian laugh hard. Fuck sake
Pulling off I look at my best friend who I haven't seen in so long..
"When's the wedding for you?" I ask her and she sighs.
"I don't know Kai's finding work difficult. Victor's just dissappeared" she says and I sigh I forgot about that. Shit.
"Dont let Victor ruin your life like he tried to ruin mine. Get married and be happy babes. You deserve it more than anyone" I tell her and she smiles.
"Thanks babe. I have something to tell you aswell. Mia.." she says and I sigh holding up my hand.
"I don't care to talk about her. She's a snake" I tell her and she sighs.
"She was found dead Stacey. In a alley, alcohol poisoning lastnight. Her mum rang me" she says and I sit there like do I actually care that my traitorous best friend was found dead. No. It saved me a job.
"Sian look I don't actually care. She made her bed and now she's laying in it. I haven't thought of her in years" I tell her honestly.
"You really don't care babe. She was our best friend" Sian says and Rico looks at me through the mirror.
"I don't want to argue with you about this. Today's ment to be a good fun time. Don't buzz kill it with Mia drama Sian" I tell her and she sighs.
"Your right. I'm sorry I shouldn't of brought it up. Let's just have fun, where we going?" she asks and I smile thinking of my boo
"To meet Liam" I tell her and I can't wait to see him.

Rico comes to a stop and I jump out the car looking for Liam and Rico points to my left and I see Liam standing there. My baby.
I make my way over to him in these. Damn heels slowing me down and he meets me half way and I jump into him as he catches me and spins me around.
"Hi baby" I say kissing him.
"Hello beautiful I've missed you" he tells me and I smile. Good to know I'm not alone in this obsession.
"I missed you" I tell him and he kisses me again.
"Alright put her down Liam" I hear Sian say coming up behind us.
He continues to hold me against him and I chuckles and he kisses me again deepening it showing off really.
"My queen, my wife. mine!" he says to her and she laughs.
"She was mine first." Sian says sticking her tongue out at him and laughing.
"Alright, alright. We're done" I say and Liam puts me down but still holding me close. So possessive.
"What's the plan baby?" I ask him looking to him.
"Well Tommy's gone home with mine and Ruby's stuff so I'm coming with you, I'm starving" he says and I bite my lip. For me or food?
"Both queenie, let's go" he says slapping my ass and picking me up and walking us back to the car.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now