Chapter 21 Liam's POV

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"I've got everything, don't worry about anything. Just have fun" I tell Jason and Angelica.
"If you need anything at all. Or you just want to talk, don't feel like you can't ring me" she says and I nod smiling at her. She'll never change.
"Thanks love, I appreciate it" I tell her sincerely and Usher them both out the door.
"Right, I'll see you both tomorrow when
I bring you your car. I have the address saved" I tell them and Jason nods.
"Thanks brother, just everything" he says and I nod with a massive grin. I did something epic for the most precious people in my life and I'm proud of myself.. And apart of me is happy that my queen got to be apart of it even if it wasn't by my side as mine. But that fucking imbeciles..
She look so fucking sexy in that red dress, I wanted to strip her out of it the moment I clocked eyes with her.. But like normal I walked away. I can't handle or ever be prepared for her to actually reject me to my face. I felt her eyes on me all day. Just watching me, I know she caught me a few times staring at her but I would quickly look away like I was fucking 13 again. Shit. Her daughter looked so sweet and adorable in her dress. Victor's a lucky man. But thank God she doesn't look like him. She's definitely Stacey's mini version. It's nice to see.
Waving bye to them as they pull of in the limo I walk back into the house and see Seline. Great she's still here..
"I had the best day with you Liam, thank you" she tells me and I offer her a small smile..
"Im glad you enjoyed yourself like everyone else" I tell her. And she comes closer.
She runs he hand over my suit clad body and I think no. This is not happening. I've seen my queen today and you want me to be stripping for Seline. Ha no..
I hear Ruby in the living room so I make my way to her thanking God for giving me such a blessing and sit down infront of her swing.
"Daddys here princess" I tell her and she giggles and I push her a little.
"Dada" she say and my heart beats faster. I'll never get enough of hearing her say them words to me.
"Are we gonna continue on the night?" Seline asks me from the door way and I sigh.
"You can see I'm occupied with my daughter right? I ain't going nowhere not untill the love birds are back" I tell her and hear her sigh. What the fuck was she expecting? Ruby only has me right now and I need to look after her. She's way more important than whatever she wants to do.
"Doesn't mean you can't have fun" she says and I look at her.
"Listen it's been a long day and it's gonna be an even longer one tomorrow, I'm knackered and just want to relax with my princess" I tell her and she comes and sits down on the sofa.
"Its boring, I want to drink, dance have some fun" she says and I roll my eyes at her..
"Well I have all the fun I need right here" I tell her and smile at my princess..
"I could never get bored with you could I princess" I coo at Ruby and she smiles at me.
"Well I'm going out, am I coming with you tomorrow?" she says looking at me disappointed.
"Well yeah I need you to bring me back" I tell her and she sighs..
"Ok, I'll be here for 10am" she says and I nod. Great a long ride with an awkward woman. How fun..

After Seline left I bathed ruby and put her to bed. I'm currently just laying on her bed with her after reading the story and she conked out.. I look at her and think I could stare at you all day my perfect baby girl. Sighing at the long day I sit up and slide of the bed slowly not to make to much movement. Creeping out the bedroom I shut her door to and make my way to my room.

"I miss my queen" I say as I lay on my bed and think about what she could be doing right now. After seeing her today, she's all I can think about her in that damn fucking red dress. Even tho she was with Victor it didn't stop her from eye fucking me in my suit. I knew she'd like it.
I sigh out running a hand over my face and look up at the ceiling.
I need a shower. I thought and pull myself up and make my way to the bathroom..
Stepping under the spray of water I let it run down my face and over my body relaxing my taunt muscles. I need to get back to working out I thought looking at myself in the mirror as I stand there watching myself.
Washing my hair then my body I rinse and repeat the process making sure I'm smelling fresh.
Switching of the shower with a sigh I step out grabbing a towel and start to dry quickly.

Finishing up in the bathroom I pull on some shorts and go check on Ruby before I settle in for the night.

I decide to write my queen another letter. One last one. After seeing her I need to do this. I will post it in the morning before dropping of the car to Jason.
Grabbing a pen and paper I sit there and begin..

Hello beautiful...

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now