Chapter 90

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After bathing the girls and putting them to bed. I make my way to my dressing room and look though my swim wear and decide on just staying naked. Why not..
I go into the bathroom and grab a towel wrapping it around myself just incase Becky's walking around and make my way down stairs to the pool.
"The girls asleep baby?" I hear from behind me and turn to see Liam coming up to me in blue swim shorts looking hot as hell. Like bloody normal.
"You ready Mrs Johnson" he asks me holding the door, ready to open it.
"I'll think you find I'm more than ready" I tell him with a smirk walking through the door he holds open. Once it's closed I look at him and drop my towel.
"Like I said. Ready. And all yours Mr Johnson" I say in a breathy voice and he groans grabbing his hardening dick looking at me.
"So God damn sexy my queen. Fuck" he grits out and rapidly pulls his shorts off to match my nakedness.
I look him over salivating and bite my lip.
"So fucking hot baby" I tell him and he smirks knowingly. He prowls closer and pulls me into his arms naked body's collided and he kisses me wrapping me in his arms deepening the kiss I wrap my arms around his neck and slide my tongue into his opening mouth. Moaning into the kiss I feel his hardness against my stomach and whimper just wanting him. He pulls away and looks down on me.
"I need to be inside you, come" he says and pulls me to the steps. I watch him get in first and he holds out his hand for me to jump down onto him and for him to catch me. He swims back a little and I close my eyes and jump in holding my breath but he catches me and I don't even go under the water. Thank God.
"I will always catch you beautiful, no matter what" he tells me and I wrap my legs around him and smile
"I know you will baby and I love that about you" I tell him running my hand over his pectorals. He's so sexy, I can't help but touch him. Kissing me again forcefully he lifts me up and I spread my legs readying myself to be filled with him.
"Fuck baby" I moan on his lips and he rolls his hips up into me and I drop my head forward loving the feel of him deep inside me. He's constantly groaning and he sounds so fucking hot.
"Still so tight, I love my treasure" he says and I rock back and fourth on his dick enjoying the fullness he pushes me back to float on the water and grabs my hands putting them behind my back he grips them along with my hip and starts to build up his thrusts and I'm a moaning mess.
"Fuck baby, yess!" I moan out and start to feel my climax building. Fuck it's so soon.
"I'm so close" I tell him and I buck my hips with his hard thrusts, listening to his grunting and groans. Fuck it's sending me over. Hearing him enjoy me.
"Right there with you baby" he tells me and  starts to slam into me squeezing my wrists together and the death grip on my hip.
It's coming.. I can feel my legs become shakey wrapped around his waist and the tingling feeling that shoots through me.
"Babyyy! Yesss!" I scream echoing though the pool room and Liam starts to relentlessly fuck me and he licks his lips watching me then I feel it his cum shooting inside me.
"Babyyy!" he roars as he cums and lifts me up to ride it out for him enjoying the feeling of him possibly getting me pregnant. I smile down on him and kiss him lovingly tasting him and sucking on his tongue..
"I love you Liam" I tell him smiling and he smiles back.
"I love you Stacey" he says back and I melt against him as he attaches our lips.

"Shall we get out and get a drink and make our way upstairs" I ask him and he licks his lips
"Want more already baby?" he teases and I bite my lip. I love sex in the pool but it's not the same.
"I want you" I tell him and climb out before he has chance to get me. I ring my hair and dry quickly wrapping it around my body after and grab Liam a towel off the wrack.
"Are you happy baby?" I ask him and he looks at me lost. Bless him.
"With everything that's happened today the outcomes.. Are you happy?" I ask him again and he smiles.
"Every single one of them baby" he tells me and I grin happy than he's happy.
He wraps the towel around his waist once he's dry and flips a few switches and the pool starts to make a noise.
"Cleaning" he tells me when I look confused at it and I nod at him. Ohh.
"Let's go get a drink. I need one after the day we've had" he says and I smile. He's not wrong.
"We're doing alot better with our drinking don't you think. Remember when you said if I cut down you would.. And you did. I wasn't expecting that" I tell him honestly and he looks down at me wrapping his arm over my shoulder as we walk..
"I'd do anything for you my queen. Anything to make you smile and love me everyday for the rest of my life" he says and I lean into him. He's so loving and I always blush at the things he says you'd think I was used to it but clearly not.
"I feel the same way my king. Always and Forever" I tell him smiling up at him.
"Always and Forever" he says back and kisses my head. Tonight's gonna be good.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now