Kicked Out

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POV: Vikk

Warnings: Cussing and crying

Word Count: 793

-Begin Chapter-

I could feel a warmth around me. A strong chest under my head, a hand holding mine, safety and serenity.

I was barely awake but I didn't want to wake anymore, so I let myself come to terms what had happened earlier that day.

I was kicked out of The Pack.

I felt myself go queasy at the thought. I squirmed a little and the arm around me tightened and a pair of lips graced my forehead, settling me back down.

My thoughts though, went back to how it happened.

I had decided to tell The Pack, let them know what was going on so they wouldn't be holding out for me.

Apparently my new relationship with my fellow Sidemen, did not make the Pack happy. Well, to be more specific, it didn't make Rob, Mitch, and Jerome happy. Preston and Lachlan were more supportive and congratulating me. They were the only two people I had ever told my secret dream to, they knew much I really wanted this.

I told The Pack the day after I woke up in Harry and JJ's arms. I dealt with their doubt and anger and somehow smoothed everything out. At least for that moment in time.

We continued on, bantering as always. Rob, Mitch, and Jerome, who were still set on the original plan, were still trying to convince me to join them. Preston had eased up a lot, knowing that I had what I truly wanted. He would always comment thought that they were there if something went wrong. I was grateful for his support.

Lachlan was dead silent most of the time though. Everyone else, but Preston, questioned him about it. He just brushed it off. They would then try and pester him but Preston told everyone to drop it. It was as if Preston knew what was going on with Lachlan.

Then a blow came that caused the blow up that resulted in me running to Simon.

That day, Lachlan had made the announcement. He wasn't going to be in the Pack relationship. He had found someone who he loved dearly and he decided he wanted to be with just them. Needless to say, that did not go over well.

Screams of anger came from Rob, Mitch, and Jerome while Preston and I tried to defend him. Then, in his anger, Rob said it.

"You know what, fuck you Vik. You are out The Pack. None of us give a shit about you anyway. Just go be the Sidemen's fuck toy!"

I couldn't believe he said that. Rob, my friend.

Preston and Lachlan yelled at Rob, asking him what the fuck was his problem. I think they then tried to talk to me, but I just tuned them out. I felt everything go numb. I barely remember ending the Skype call.

I don't even really remember getting up.

I do remember standing there, staring at my floor, letting it all sink it.

When it hit me, I was on auto pilot. My feet moving of their own accord to Simon's room.

I remember the look of pure shock on his face when I burst into his room. I tried to tell him what happened but all that came out is a sob.

When I collapsed he didn't hesitate to come to me, pulling me into his arms.

I just cried as hard as I could into his t-shirt, the pain I was feeling taking over.

I heard Josh enter the room once but then he left again.

I wanted him to stay.

I know there was a reason though, so I focused on the words coming out of Simon's mouth as he comforted me.

He kept telling me he loved me.

That the Sidemen loved me.

That they were there for me.

And they would always be there for me.

I could feel myself calm down more and more at his words and the feeling of his hand on my back.

Then I heard JJ call to me.


I remember turning to see them, unbelieving they were both here. JJ was crying.

I called out to them and before I knew it I was wrapped in their arms. Safe.

They asked me what happened and I really couldn't bring myself to say it. I wanted to tell though. I wanted to be honest with them, but I couldn't. I could only say two words: The Pack.

I didn't say anything else, just let my body go numb. I felt it when JJ pulled me into his arms though, rocking me to sleep as if I was a little baby. I felt a soft darkness take hold of me as I fell asleep, exhausted. Safe in the arms of someone who loved me.

-End Chapter-

A/N: Ok, so, at least not the whole Pack is bad guys. I wonder who Lachlan found? Hint: It is not Preston.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs.

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