A Choice To Make

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POV: Vik (Again)

Warnings: None

Word Count:

-Begin Chapter-

I looked at him, confused. He sounded worried. Why the hell did he care?

For all I knew, they both didn't even know who Preston was. At least I don't think they do... The Sidemen were really the only ones with who I shared anything about the Pack with.

"Why do you care? You don't even know who he is." Said Ethan slowly. I could hear the disbelief in his voice.

"WHY DO WE CARE?" shouted Freezy, causing Preston to jump in my arms. I felt him still again immediately. I looked down to see him with that blank expression still, though his gaze had moved to look more towards the Cals.

"Look at him!" he exclaimed. I looked up and saw the disbelief in his eyes as he gestured to the boy in my arms. "He looks so broken, so empty! He looks like someone took everything that made him shine and sucked it out of him!"

That's exactly what happened. How did he get it so right?

"You don't even know him." Asked Ethan. I could hear the distrust in his voice.

"So?" questioned Callux, "That doesn't mean we can't be worried about him, especially if he is looking like that!"

I felt the shock that ran through me at his words. I could see the worry written all over his face. This worry was unlike either of the tall boys, I really couldn't believe it, but I didn't question it anymore. Maybe they knew how to bring Preston out of this state that he was in. I knew I had no clue how to.

I looked back down at the brown haired boy, once full of life, now dim as a grey rock.

It was a tense silence as I thought about what I should do. Taking a deep breathing. I knew there was only one solution.

"I'll tell you guys what happened," I started, knowing I was probably taking a risk, "but I want to do it while we are Skyping the other Sidemen. I don't want to repeat this more than I have to."

"Vik." Calle Ethan. I looked at him and saw his wide hazel eyes, filled with worry and concern. "You don't have to do this. You don't have to tell anyone anything."

I gave him a small smile. "I know, but I want to. I've always wanted to tell you guys, I've just been scared and worried about how it would affect you guys. I didn't realize that pushing it all to the side like I did would cause this."

I looked back down at my friend, a tear or two escaping my eyes. If I had at least been honest him, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

"Vik." Said Tobi.

I spoke quickly, stopping him before he could say this wasn't my fault, because it was.

"I need to make this right. I need to help my friend."

I looked at Ethan, his eyes still wide in shock.

"Bear, would you mind going to see if you can get the rest of the guys into a call? Please?" I begged softly.

He just nodded, not really registering the name I gave him. He instead walked away out of the kitchen. Both Cals moved out his way and let him pass by before turning their attention back to me and Preston.

"Tobi, why don't you go with him?"

"But Vik." He started to protest.

I turned to him and gave him my best smile.

"Please Tobi." I begged. He finally sigh and just gave in.

"Fine, I'll be back down when we get the guys on." He muttered before leaning over and kiss my cheek. He then moved to go out the door, following Ethan. I watched with a smile.

Afterwards I looked at the Cals and stared at their faces, checking their sincerity. After seeing only concern and worry in their gaze, I relented.

Taking a deep breath and I looked at them and spoke.

"I need your help."

-End Chapter-

A/N: Almost back to the fluff! Yeah! Oh look, the Cals are really worried about Preston. They could tell what happened based on the way he looks. Has this happened before???

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs.

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