Another Nightmare

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POV: Simon

Warning: Nightmare

-Begin Chapter-

I felt sleep begin to fall away as the person in my arms began to squirm. I tried to hush them and kissing their forehead, trying to calm them down. They just squirmed more. I opened my eyes slowly, looking down at the blonde boy in my arms, obviously having a nightmare.

"Harry," I called out squeezing him a little bit. He just started fighting against my hold more, mumbling incoherent things.

"Harry," I called out louder, moving to look over him to see his face. Tears were falling down rapidly and he looked like he was in pain.

"Harry wake up!" I called again, shaking him, trying to wake him up. He made no sign that he was waking up.

"Fuck," I grumbled sitting all the way up so I could lean over Harry and try to wake him up.

"Harry! Wake up please! Harry!" I tried to shake him awake but to not avail. I slowly began to panic. I had no idea what to do. Josh and Vik have been the only two that I know that can pull people out of nightmares and neither of them was here.

Harry began tossing and turning, his crying increasing, gasping for breath, more mumbling coming out of his mouth.

"Harry please!" I begged, both of my hands on his shoulders, trying to shake him awake.

His voice was getting louder now.

"Don't you guys."

"Harry?" I questioned, looking down at his beautiful face, pain painted all over it.

"Please no.... sorry...scared.... Vik...Josh."

"Fuck." I was so lost at what to do.

I thank every great being in the universe that Josh came in finally.

"Simon?" I heard his voice call from the door.

I turned to see him, worry painted on his face.

"JOSH! Help me! Harry is having a nightmare and I can't pull him out of it!" begged, panic filling me.

Josh immediately moved to the bed, climbing in on the other side. I sat back, allowing him space.

Harry was still mumbling names and saying he was sorry. What kind of nightmare was he having?

"Harry." Called Josh's deep voice, his hand cupping Harry's cheek, a thumb brushing away the tears. "Harry it's me, Josh. It's ok. You aren't in trouble. You didn't do anything wrong."

I watched him whimper more, moving his face into Josh's hand.

Josh hushed him, his other hand coming up to the other side of Harry's face, wiping away more tears.

"Harry, baby, it's ok. I'm here. Simon's here. We love you. Please listen to me. It's all ok. It's just a nightmare."

I watched in awe as Harry slowly came down from his nightmare at Josh's words. His body stilling, his mumbling quieting, and his tears ceasing. I was in awe that Josh did that so easily and so quickly. I looked over at him, the worry still on his face. He made eye contact with me, relief in his eyes.

"The nightmare is over." Said Josh softly, moving one hand back, but leaving the other on Harry, moving it to the top of his head, fingers running through his hair soothingly.

"Thank you, Josh." I said quietly, feeling useless, "I guess I had no idea what the fuck I was doing." I said, moving my gaze down to Harry.

"Simon." Called Josh. I looked back up at him, understanding now shinning in his eyes. "It's ok. I promise. He is alright. He is going to be alright."

"But Josh." I started, prepared to talk about what a crappy job I did trying to calm him from his nightmare.

"Simon stop." He said sternly. His other hand coming out to cup my cheek. "You did fine. It's ok. Don't you even let yourself think you did a bad job. You were there for him and you did your best to take care of him. So don't worry. You may not have been able to help him during his nightmare, but you can help him when he wakes up.

I nodded at him, my eyes wide.

"Now why don't you lay back down with him till he wakes up? I'll let the others know so they will let you two rest and I will come check on you two later. OK?"

"Ok," I said softly, thinking for a moment before I asked Josh a question. "Will you sit with me for a minute and hold me though?" I needed some comfort after that.

Josh gave me a soft smile and nodded. He removed his hand from me and from Harry and got from the bed.

I stood up and allowed him to get comfortable sitting on the bed before I crawled into his lap, my back against his chest. Josh wrapped his arms around me and I reached out to grab Harry's hand with one of mine while the other rested on top of Josh's. My head leaned on the slightly shorter man's shoulder while he rested his on my other shoulder. I looked down at the now peacefully sleeping Harry as I thought about his nightmare.

"Josh?" I asked quietly.


"Harry kept apologizing and saying our names during his nightmare, what do you think that means?"

Josh paused for a moment before speaking, "I don't honestly know Simon. Maybe when he wakes up we can talk to him and see what's going on in his head."

"Ok," I said while a sick feeling took over my stomach. "I'm worried about him Josh. He was acting weird last night too."

"Really?" he questioned, squeezing my middle. "We need to keep an eye on him. I fear he may be feeling some sort of insecurity or something. You should have seen him when JJ and I picked him up from the airport. He was happy to see us but not himself at all. I honestly don't think he has fully recovered from being away from us. We are gonna have to take special care of him until we can figure out what's going on."

I nodded in agreement, keeping my gaze on Harry. I released his hand and moved mine to his head, stroking his hair like Josh had earlier. Harry subconsciously moved his head more into my touch, bringing a sad smile to my face.

I hope you are ok Harry. We can't afford to lose you. We love you.

-End Chapter-

A/N: Daddy Josh to the rescue!!! Yeah! Poor Harry though.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs.

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