Happy 32nd Birthday Tremaine!

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Hey you all. I want to deeply apologize for not updating many imagines as I hoped for today. I wanted to celebrate Tremaine's birthday and the second anniversary of this imagines book by spamming you guys' notifications with imagines. However, having school along with extracurricular activities made me have less time to make imagines. I am really sorry for this. I have been really stressed since the end of my break and I really thought I would have at least ten imagines out today for his birthday.

Now I have to be honest, my friend and I have stayed up all night so we can be the first to wish Trey a happy birthday. Obviously, he still haven't seen it, but that's alright I guess; I still love him. I didn't even go to sleep until two this morning fam. I have never been so energetic in my life, but as soon as that clock hit midnight I went crazy. I swear I was completely tired ten minutes before, I would blame adrenaline but whatever. There was a complete Tremaine Takeover in my room today. Nothing but Trey was blasting throughout and my roommate was surprisingly not there. I'm telling you, she is living with a chick who is crazy in love with Trey Songz.

For the songs I didn't do this year, I will be making next year promise you that. But today was such a stressful day for me that his music really gave me motivation to at least try to finish another imagine. I am ending this because my dumb ass decided to have an 8am class tomorrow. You guys really wish me luck. I love you all so much and thank you for sticking through with me. First semester in done in 15 days. I'll make a comeback during my break babies!

And tell Tremaine to look at my damn video before I go off on him...lol.

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