Part Two: Chapter 6: Fortunate

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Valorie Napier never went through the required steps to get her son back. She didn't go to the court ordered rehab. She didn't take any drug tests. In fact, she didn't get clean at all. She completely vanished, on the run and wanted by the law. She resorted to prostitution to support her habit. She ended up overdosing just a few years later. They gave Jack the news on his 12th birthday. A part of him felt nothing at all, but the other side of him was bitter over her abandonment. Either way, he didn't shed one single tear over her. Why should he?

Jack, who was abandoned, became a ward of the state. He was shuffled around a lot. Not many fosters could deal with the boys instability. It was more than just outbursts of pubescent anger. Sometimes Jack withdrew so much that he neared being catatonic. At other times he seemed extremely depressed. He also had a very bad case of insomnia. He was pretty unapproachable. Most just shipped him somewhere else to be somebody else's problem. Others just left him alone and avoided him. Some even feared the unpredictable youth.

Jack has been taken to many therapists over the years. Jack has confounded every last one of them. He was undiagnosable. He had traits of every last mental disorder documented. But he always exhibits enough traits in opposition to make him not a match for this or that. Dr. Arkham had given Jack extremely thorough testing, and he didn't learn a thing by it. Jack was literally a walking contradiction. Every psychiatrist who encountered the child found him to be a fascinating case study. But none ever seemed to be able to help Jack, to reach him.

Jack was eventually labeled with bipolar 1 disorder. They gave him two different pills for it. The pills gave him a dry mouth, and made him always sleepy. So he faked taking them. Then he was placed somewhere new and another psychiatrist came along and labeled him as schizophrenic. The pills they gave him for that put him into a deep depression. They caused him agitation. So he didn't take them. Then, another move and in walks another psychiatrist who labeled him with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. None of them knew what they were talking about. Jack is undiagnosable because no one knows the truth about what goes on in his head. He never tells anyone about the voice.

Jack learned fast that he could manipulate the doctors into whatever diagnoses he feels like. In fact, Jack can manipulate almost anyone. People were like puppets to him. He had total control of their strings. Sometimes he jerked strings just because he could. Sometimes it was simply to amuse himself. But sometimes it was Jack who was the puppet with the man in his head pulling the strings.

At the age of 14 Jack received a bachelor's degree in chemistry. At 15 he got one in physics. But they were pretty useless when Jack couldn't legally have a job. Child labor laws refused employment of minors under the age of 16. Jack worked so hard to be on his own. It was very frustrating for him to be a ward of the state. He just wanted to be an adult. He longed to make his own decisions. His life was his own and he despised other people making his decisions for him.

So Jack ran away at the age of 15. He lived in the dirty, crime ridden streets of Gotham city.

 He lived in the dirty, crime ridden streets of Gotham city

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