Part Seven: Chapter 36: Friends

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Poison Ivy awoke to a pounding head. She moaned and slowly raised her head. She parted her eyes and noticed she was lying on a bed, but the bed wasn't hers. She quickly looks around her. The room was a deep burgundy with deep green drapes over the windows. At the end of the bed she saw the figure of a clown.

She lays her head back and groans because she knows what happened now

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She lays her head back and groans because she knows what happened now. This freak kidnapped her and obviously put her in his bed. He was probably going to do sick sex shit with her now. She had practically thrown herself at him.

But a small part of Ivy wouldn't so much mind the sick sex shit so much. It had been ages since she's had a man's touch. Well, one that didn't directly result in some poor saps death. She couldn't exactly be choosy about who the man is when he's the only man in a million miles she can't kill by kissing. But he certainly was rude, disgusting, and a tease.

"Ok clown, you have me in your bed. Is that where your plan ends?" She asks and runs her hand over her aching head.

The Joker rises to his feet and crosses over to the bed. He sits at the edge, "Here," he says and is holding some Tylenol and a glass of water.

"Like I'm ingesting those man made chemicals," she huffs and takes the water. "I will be just fine, it's certainly not the first punch I've taken."

"So, would you like to come to my laboratory and get a look at my blood? I'm sure it will be most fascinating," he politely smiles.

"Your elevator doesn't make it all the way to the top, does it?" She cocks an eyebrow at him. "I wouldn't test your stupid blood now if you begged me."

Joker grins coyly,

"My memory is sketchy at times, but I do recall you being quite willing to do a whole lot more for my blood not even an hour ago

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"My memory is sketchy at times, but I do recall you being quite willing to do a whole lot more for my blood not even an hour ago. Don't you remember that? I didn't hit you that hard." All the while his hand slowly slides up Ivy's bare green thigh.

Ivy quickly pushes his hand away. "Yeah right, don't flatter yourself. I was trying to get you closer to my plants so they could eat you. I almost had it and then you..."

Joker reaches out and grabs her tongue. He gives her a sideways grin, "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" He asks. "You could use a good roll in the hay." He quickly let's her tongue go, "But you're not interested," he quickly hopped to his feet, "Come along," he says and heads out of the room.

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