Part Twenty-Two: Chapter 161: Like A Duck To Water

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The entire way to the warehouse Jason tried to prepare himself to torture a man to death. He brings a scoop of cocaine to his nostril and snorts hard.wa In his mind he went over all the cases he and Bruce investigated that involved torture. There wasn't a thing he hadn't seen. Blood. Gore. Bone. And for Jason, looking at those sort of things was equivalent to a romantic comedy. Such sights usually make a person vomit the first few times. But Jason never threw up from the visuals. It was the smells that triggered his gag reflex, metallic half coagulated blood, burned flesh, or decaying matter. But after a while, not even that got to him. He became desensitized to all of it. So he saw no reason that he wouldn't be able to handle this. Especially since he was wired to the gills.

"Ok," Ace says as they pull up to the warehouse, "This guy was selling what he wasn't shooting up. Whoever it is is making a lot of ton of cash at Mr. J's expense. We gotta find out who so we can just sell straight to him so the stealing stops. But on the other hand, if this guy knows he's buying smack that's stolen from the Joker, well..."

Jason cuts him off, "Then he'll have to be dealt with too," his words come out fast, fueled by the drugs.

Ace just smiles with a nod. "But first, that thieving junking inside," he says and kills the engine.

"Isn't everyone going to wonder who I am and why I'm killing this guy?" Jason asks as he wipes his nose with a sniffle.

Ace gives a slight chuckle, "Oh they'll wonder alright. But I promise you, they aren't gonna ask." He opens the car door, "Keep in mind, boss likes to toy with them."

Jason gets out of the car and follows Ace into the warehouse. The first thing he noticed wasn't the bound man in front of him, but the loft full of J's henchmen, his clowns. It looked like an anatomy class waiting to watch a dissection. Ace stands off to the side, just in case. There was a slight chance that the kid wasn't up for this. If he chickened out Ace would be obligated to kill the guy.

Jason stands before the man. He tilts his head and stares wide eyed, yet blankly at the fear in the man's eyes.

This man has never met him before in his life, nor wronged him in any way, yet, he was terrified of Jason

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This man has never met him before in his life, nor wronged him in any way, yet, he was terrified of Jason. The mans fear brought Jason a feeling of power. It felt like the first line of coke in the morning. Without breaking eye contact, Jason slowly rolls up his sleeves. Tears began working up in the man's eyes.

Jason reaches out and pulls the duct tape from his mouth with a sharp jerk. "What's your name?" Jason asks and stands arrow straight.

"P-P-Paul," the man stammers.

"I enjoy a nice party from time to time. Get drunk, get high, you know, relax a bit," Jason says as he pulls a pair of gloves from his back pocket. "I understand you like to party too," he slips on one of the gloves. The man makes no reply. Jason patiently puts on the second glove. He balls his fist and punches the guy. "I said, I understand you like to party," he slightly leans over to see the man's eyes better.

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