Part Fifteen: Chapter 102: Joker's Fun

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The Joker's last hideout had been compromised when Batman busted in and took him. The Joker doesn't ask Frost where his new place was. He didn't need to when they arrived at the building downtown, the building that Ivy had a penthouse in. The Joker pay the bills there, so he may as well crash there until he gets a new Ha-Hacienda. Besides, he could use a little female attention, he had been cooped up in Arkham for months. And Ivy probably could use the Joker's touch too.

As Frost and the Joker took the private elevator up to the penthouse, Joker patiently whistled along with the easy listening song playing over the speaker. He appeared to be in a good mood. The Joker watches the digital numbers above the door rise.

Behind him, Frost clears his throat. "Um...boss?" He swallows the lump in his throat. He hated reporting bad news to The boss. The Joker glances over at him, still whistling. "I-It's about Miss Ivy." Frost says. A part of him wanted to tell the Joker that Ivy was his now. But a bigger part of him didn't want to have that conversation. He had no clue how the Joker would react to it.

The Joker ceases his harmonic whistling and looks to Frost for answers. "What about her?" The Joker asks lowly. He could see from Frost's body language that it wasn't going to be good.

"She moved out of the penthouse. She l-l-left you..." Frost mutters, unsure if the Joker would shoot him in his other foot.

" Frost mutters, unsure if the Joker would shoot him in his other foot

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"She left me?" He turns his stare at the floor numbers above the door. "Did she state her complaints about me? Was I not affectionate enough with her?" Perhaps she learned of my real intent with her."

Frost noticed that the Joker seemed indifferent to the situation. In that moment he finally saw the Joker's true feelings for Ivy. The Joker didn't give a damn about her. Then Frost snaps from his thoughts long enough to answer the boss. "She didn't say boss. She just said to tell you that the two of you are no longer together." Frost shrugged, doing his best to conceal his relationship with Ivy. Any softened expression was all the Joker would need to figure out Frost's secret.

"Well, she didn't really fit in around here anyway. She's crazy, insane, but it's not my kind of crazy," he flamboyantly flicks his wrist. "She's more into saving the planet," the Joker sighs and runs his hand over his hair. And he just wanted to destroy it.

The elevator dings and the door opens. Frost exits first, surveying the area. The Joker follows, coat draped over his shoulders, Arkham pants, and barefoot. Frost unlocked the door and again went first to secure the perimeter. The Joker casually walked in and looked around. It was as Ivy had left it. It was modern and classy. But it wasn't exactly what the Joker wanted.

"Johnny, I'll be needing new furniture. And a few renovations," the Joker says as he looked around.

Frost pulls a notepad out of his inside pocket. "Shoot," he tells him and turns to the Joker.

"Let's see...I want a light beige carpet. I want it with that crackle look to it. White couch. A big couch. I want a piano. I haven't played one in years. I want two chairs that match the couch and an end table to go between them. Then drapes that are a few tones darker than the carpet."

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