Part Eight: Chapter 43: Rare Form

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Bruce stands behind the two way mirror and sees the Joker when the guards delivered him in a straight jacket for his therapy session. Bruce couldn't help but notice the stiffness to the Joker's movements. He also can't miss the silent wince as he sat. Something about the Joker just didn't seem right. He was normally so animated and upbeat. Bruce knows that usually the Joker was putting on an act, enhancing himself for entertainment, but he always did it. This, this wasn't a side of the Joker that Bruce has ever seen before.

"Hello Mr. Joker. How are you feeling today?" The doctor asks him.

The Joker's eyes fall onto the tables surface. He just slightly shrugs and says nothing. He only keeps his eyes fixed on one spot as if his mind were elsewhere. He seemed distracted. More so than just by his fuzzy memory and confusion of events. Much much more distracted. The Joker loves attention. Therefore he was usually more than happy to talk with his doctor. Bruce knows how he tries to play with the doctor and dance around his questions. But the Joker sitting there now wasn't happy. Anytime Bruce has ever seen the Joker he was always happy.

"You seem different today Mr. Joker, is there anything that you would like to talk about?" The Joker makes no acknowledgement that he's even heard the question being directed at him. "Mr. Joker?"

Just the Joker's eyes move up and look at the doctor. He just slightly shakes his head no.

"Very well, can you please state your birthday for me?"

Batman watches as the Joker's shaved brows press together. His lips part but he closes them without saying anything. He seemed genuinely confused. "I-I-I don't remember..." He absent mindedly utters.

The doctor sighs and Bruce can tell that he thinks the Joker is lying. Bruce has faced the Joker enough times to know when he lied. And surprisingly the Joker has never lied to Batman. And he wasn't lying now.

"You don't remember your birthday?"

The Joker shakes his head and looks down and to the side. His eyes frantically move as he scans his brain, desperately trying to find the answer. "I don't understand...its just gone," he says softly in a tone that sounded foreign to Bruce. "I know... I know this...but..." The Joker slowly rests his forehead on the table,

" The Joker slowly rests his forehead on the table,

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"I'm sorry doctor, my mind isn't what it used to be."

Bruce couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with the Joker? Did they have him on medication or something? This was not the Joker he knew up to just yesterday. Who was this? Is this medicated Joker? Is this stripped down and bored Joker? Was something wrong? Something definitely didn't feel right.

"That's quite alright. Why don't we move on to word association. Do you know what that is?" The doctor asks him.

The Joker sighs and raises his head again. He glances at the doctor and nods, "Yes."



The doctors eyes quickly divert to the Joker who is focused on the table again. "Friendship?"

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