Part Fourteen: Chapter 89: Forming

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Joker's POV

Dr. Quinzel kindly help me out of my straight jacket for today's therapy session. I stretch my arms as she sits across from me in her chair. She opens my file and looks up at me. I can see the cogs doing overtime in her mind.

"I'm going to prescribe you a massive amount of the drug Geodon. It's one that's never been prescribed to you before. It's given to skitzophrenic patients. There's a past diagnoses in your chart for skitzophrenia, so Dr. Arkham shouldn't bat an eyelash."

I unfolded my hands on top of the table. I slowly outstretched my hand toward hers. I lightly cupped my hand over hers. "I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for me Dr. Quinzel. I don't think anyone has ever done something so benevolent for me. No one has ever cared about my welfare." I stare at her.

I never blink my eyes in her presence it's a little trick I picked up from Crane and Hatter. It is a hypnosis technique. I don't exactly know for sure if it's working or not, but it has to be, right? Her blushing, her bringing me pudding, now I wrong to assume that maybe it is working??

She gives me a genuine smile, "I only wanna help ya Mistah J..."

"What did you call me?" I cut my eyes over ti her.

"Mr. J," she repeats.

"No. Say it the way you did before. You try very hard to cover up your accent. I've heard it slip through many times. New Jersey, if I'm correct."

She looks down and nods. Dr. Arkham denied my application once because of it. He said it didn't sound professional."

"Well, I don't think that. You shouldn't have to hide who you are. You shouldn't be respected any less for an accent. Never hide doctor. That's fake. Don't be fake. Besides, I kinda like how my name really sounds coming over those red lips."

Why not throw in a little innocent flattery? A little flirting? I look at her ears. They were bright red. I was making her blush again. I think it's safe to say that the doctor has an attraction for me. I should concentrate on increasing that attraction. I needed to turn it into desire. Then I should let her taste that desire. Then I will get her obsessed. When you're obsessed with someone, you'll do anything to have them. Absolutely anything for them. Hey, I oughta know.

"Yer right Mistah J," she says and looks back up at me with a smile.

"Now that sounds like Harley," I grin big with approval.

She bends down and digs in her bag. She sits back up with a pudding cup and plastic spoon. I cock my head with a grin. "Oh Harley, you're too good to me. Tell me, do your other patients get such generosity? Or do you save it all for me doctor?" I lean forward and stare at her intently.

She's definitely blushing. She quickly looks down and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

Definitely signs of attraction. Might as well work on that today then.

"Do you find it difficult to look at me doctor?" I ask softly. "After my accident I couldn't help but notice the way people would shrink back in horror."

She quickly looks back up at me.

"No Mistah J, you just look different is all. I'm sure you were a very attractive man when you were Jack..."

I slam my fists down on the table and growl, "I'm not Jack! Jack is gone! I'm the Joker and this is how I look! I look like a walking corpse with red lips and green hair! I'm covered in scars that I try to hide with tattoos. I know that's not attractive!"

This time it's her hand that goes over my balled fist. "Mistah J, beyond that pasty complexion a yers, yer still handsome. Yer defined cheek bones, nice nose, plump lips, blue eyes, an yer maybe tha most muscular man I've eva seen in person."

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