Part Fourteen: Chapter 95: In Case Of Shit

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Johnny Frost's fingers glided along the warm skin on Ivy's bare back.

The moon shown through the windows, illuminating her green hue

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The moon shown through the windows, illuminating her green hue. Her fingers twirl Johnny's chest hairs absentmindedly. Frost should have been at the bosses place, running things on a constant basis. Instead he had become a man who looked at his job as a nine to five gig. In the evenings he would turn the house over to Ace. He would tell him he was going to see a girl everynight, he just didn't divulge any names or addresses. He wasn't stupid enough for that. Luckily, Ace didn't question it. He rather enjoyed being in charge for a change.

"Ivy?" Johnny says softly.

"Hummm," she purrs, still twirling his chest hairs.

"What did you see in him?" Johnny asks.

"J?" She looks up at him, "Why do you want to know that?"

"Curiosity mainly, about him, not you. It's just...boss don't exactly strike me as a very affectionate guy. I mean, I only saw him with his wife once, maybe twice. You're really the only woman I've seen him with and sometimes he comes off a total asshole. I'm just wondering how he kept you as long as he did?" He explained.

Ivy sighed and repositioned her head on his chest. "He's a very good actor, he has to be to be the manipulative son of a bitch he is. But beyond all his acting...we had certain things in common...things that we've never had in common with someone before."

"You and Mr J? What did you possibly have in common with him?" Johnny huffs in disbelief.

"Well, for starters, neither of us have what you would consider a normal appearance. It's not always easy to deal with the way people stare and whisper. We were both born from an accident involving chemicals. He fell in some and I was injected with some. I'll tell you about that at another time. Both of us suffer from mental illness that is directly linked to chemicals. Both of us have certain enhanced abilities. I have my spells and powers with mother earth. He has a heightened tolerance to pain, faster healing, and sharper reflexes. Our blood can be turned into a weapon. I don't know Johnny, we started out as friends with benefits. Moving in, sharing a bed, and being introduced as his girlfriend, wasn't that big of a stretch really." Ivy glances back up at Johnny, "Do you think he will come after me for leaving him?" She asks.

"I-I don't know. I guess that depends on his plans, and if you somehow fit into them," he uneasily shift beneath her.

Frost knew that if the boss wanted to go after Ivy that he wouldn't be able to stop him. But Frost wasn't exactly sure if he could stand by and let him hurt her in any way. It's not always easy to find a job when you're in a position such as his. He was the Joker's lead man and the entire city knew it. He couldn't just go fill out an application with Penguin or repledge his loyalty to the Riddler. Everyone would think he was just working for the Joker, his man on the inside. And, in spite of everything, the Joker pays his men more than anyone else. That's why he never runs out of people willing to work for him. Some like the fact that they don't have to deal with him directly. Frost didn't want to leave his power of position, but he honestly didn't know how the boss was going to act when he finally comes back.

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