Part Five: Chapter 21: Advancement

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Jack had to go to Gotham to case the place where he would steal the mobs money. But going to Gotham wouldn't be easy. He's a wanted man now. Wanted with a price on his head. If anybody recognized him he would be as good as dead.

By now Falcone had turned over every rock in Gotham looking for him and Jeannie

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By now Falcone had turned over every rock in Gotham looking for him and Jeannie. Jack has made sure to cover his tracks well. He left behind a little diversion. He forged Jeannie's handwriting and wrote several love letters to himself. In them he mentioned running away to Puerto Rico. Hopefully his diversion diverted Falcone. Hopefully he was in Puerto Rico searching for them. But it wasn't just Falcone after him, it was Maroni too.

Jack knew it would be best to take some guys with him. Guys he trusted to help him. He needed someone to be able to pose as someone official so the plan could be formed. Disguise or no disguise, Jack knows it's best not to show his face in Gotham, especially not face to face for conversion. That would be far too great of a risk. Jack only takes risks when he knows he can win. He wasn't confident about showing his face. So he took with him to Gotham, Ace, Frost, and Simon.

Sitting outside of the Gotham Wells Fargo in a van, Jack adjusts the dirty blonde wig on his head that was mostly covered by a baseball cap pulled down low over his eyes. A fake mustache and gotie is securely stuck to his face. It felt weird, he could feel the adhesive come undone when he tried to talk. The brown contacts in his eyes made them irritated. The disguise was also for Simon and Ace who haven't seen Jack out of the Red Hood. He looks in the rearview mirror at Simon seated behind him.

Simon had a very important position, having formally been a bank manager before becoming a bank president. Simon knows everything needed to knock off a bank. He knows where to look for alarms. He knows where to look for safe combinations. He knows where to find the electrical blueprints. He knows how to access files to all operations in the bank, including bank account numbers for each patron. He also knows where to look for bank transfers.

"Simon, you're up," Jack informs him. "You're going in there with a fake ID and $100,000 dollars in cash. You know what to do." Jack glares at him for a moment, Simon can see the ruthlessness in Jack's eyes. "Don't fuck this up."

"I got it boss, don't worry," Simon says and straightens his tie. He grabs the briefcase of money between he and Ace.

He opens the door and gets out. He walks up the street about half a block to the bank. He enters it and walks up to the counter. He curtly smiles at the female bank teller.

"Good morning. I would like to open up a commercial account," he informs her.

"Of course, this way," she says and comes out from behind the counter and leads Simon upstairs to the bank managers office. "Mr. Adams, he would like to open a commercial account," she says to a man at a desk.

He quickly stands and extends a hand out to Simon, "Good morning, welcome to Wells Fargo, please take a seat."

The bank teller leaves and Simon takes a seat. His eyes take in the painting behind the bank presidents desk. Simon knows that's where the electrical blueprints, and all of the other blueprints for the bank are. Simon also knows that all banks have a similar combination. Which is FDIC and the bank branch number. They are done this way so law enforcement or fire men can access them if needed.

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