Part Sixteen: Chapter 115: Date Night

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Harley's POV

My puddin was taking me to one of his nicer clubs tonight. I was really excited because we don't leave this penthouse very often. But, I understand that my guy couldn't walk the street's of Gotham during the day. And at night he crept in the shadows. But thank heavens for all the club's he owns. There was something like seven of them, that's not including his strip joints. He owned something like seventy five percent of the red light distric. He acquired all these businesses by taking down the five mob families that had run Gotham for generations

Most people would be overwhelmed by the paperwork alone. So much so that they would have to hire some help. But Mistah J did all of his own books and paperwork. He was, after all, a total control freak. But I kind of liked the business side of him. It was as close to normal as I've ever seen him get. Sure, I learned a lot about killing and torturing people to death from the psychopathic clown, but I preferred the Joker that you only see behind closed doors.

And you know what I finally discovered behind closed doors with him? That he was indeed human. He could show genuine caring and concern. The Joker behind closed doors didn't laugh much. He wasn't putting on a show or hiding anything behind his laugh. It was about the only time he dropped his messiah complex and stepped down off his pedistool of martyrdom. It was the only time the jewelry came off. Also, it was the only time he wasn't in a suit or tux.

You wanna know what else I learned about Mistah J behind those closed doors? I found out that he wasn't crazy, well, not crazy in the context that he can't live on his own. He was capable of shuffling and managing several things at once. A crazy person wouldn't have had that kind of concentration. He is extremely meticulous about the details of his schemes. He thought of every last detail. He accounted for things no one does, like wind speeds, bearings, gravitational pull, weather. And he always had contingency plans if something went wrong. A crazy person can't do those things.

Now, I ain't saying I give him a clean bill of mental health. He definitely has several mental illnesses, skitzophrenia with auditory hallucinations, bipolar one disorder, personality disorder, depression, anxiety, and a wicked case of insomnia. But there was no magical pill to cure everything. Nor could therapy sessions fix everything. Mistah J exercises restraint. He knew how to spot his symptoms and would put mind over matter. He had this unbelievable will power.

But he exercises that will power in places I wished he didn't. Like in the bedroom. He hasn't made love to me once since I moved in with him. I have zero clue why. I had certainly been throwing myself out there, but he never took the bait. We would have these very intense make out sessions. We would both be turned on, but Mistah J never crossed that line. What the hell was he waiting for? A written invitation? Or perhaps he was waiting on me to practically rape him? I wasn't above that.

Mistah J came into the bedroom where I was finishing my makeup. His eyes lit up and his lips parted. He looked surprised or something. "You look...ravishing," he says in a breathy moan as he comes up behind me as I stood at the mirror. His hands rest on my waist as his lips gently kissed my bare shoulder. "Are you ready?"

"Yep," I smile and get up.

We go outside and get in Mistah J's fast purple sports car. Six of his men divided into two groups. One group would leave to get things ready for the boss at the club. The second car would try to keep up with Mistah J as they followed. Frost drove that vehicle.

When we pulled up to the club there was a long line of people waiting to get in. It looked like this place was the place to be. Mistah J tosses his keys to a valet and comes around to open my door. He holds his hand out for me to take. I step out of his car and am met with his gleaming smile. We start for the club's front door. All of the sudden the people waiting to get in parted like the Red Sea. Mistah J walks us right to the door. Once there two burly guys nod at Mistah J and open the doors.

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