Part Five: Chapter 22: Curious

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Jack sits alone, eyes trained and unblinking, in a car in front of the Gotham Wells Fargo bank.

He was waiting on his men

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He was waiting on his men. At precisely 4:39 they were due to be arriving by a white van. They would be going into the ally in the back, behind the bank. The back door was for employees only. Which his men would be dressed as if any unfortunate bank employees bumped into them. This wasn't the entrance that Jack would be taking anyway. Jack would be entering the bank through the front door. He would go in, seemingly alone.

"HaHaHa!" Laughs the voice in Jack's head, unrentingly showing Jack zero pity.

Jack has no clue what is so damn funny. He was experiencing trouble focusing because of the unplanned and unpleasant laughing in his head. Jack has to focus. He's only got one shot at this. Jack has spent the last six months planning out every last detail of this. He couldn't blow it on the account of the imaginary voice in his head. He slaps himself in the face hard. "Pull it together Jack," he sighs and tries to exercise his patience while he waits.

At precisely 4:39 pm the white van could be seen with Jack's henchmen inside, clown masks covering their faces. Jack looks down at his watch to make sure the van was on time. It was, and it was a good thing, Jack doesn't like it when his orders are not followed to a T.

"There's no room for incompetence."

"I know," Jack answers.

Jack pulls his gun and puts the Red Hood over his head. He looks down at his watch, 4:42 pm. He was up. Jack opens the door. He gets out quickly and darts across the sidewalk and to the banks front door. Once inside the double set of double doors Jack raises his gun into the air and let's off a shot. Any more than one shot would be noticeable. One could be blamed on a vehicle back firing. People start screaming and crouching.

"Good evening everyone! I ask that you each get face down on the floor! No reaching for the panic button employees! I'm a very good shot and I will take the finger that dares to hit one of those silent alarm buttons! Everybody, all down where I can see you!" Jack shouts at the top of his lungs as he aims the gun out over the crowd in the lobby floor.

"W-w-what do you want?!" The bank manager asks with his hands hooked behind his head, staring at the floor an inch below his nose.

"It's none of your damn business grandpa! HaHaha!!"

"Did I say you could ask me questions?!" Jack shouts and marches across the floor to the man, his gun aimed at his head.

"Hahaha!! Ahhh hahaha!!! HAHAHA!"

"Everybody just shut up and stay quiet! Do not reach for anything on your person, such as a phone, tablet or any other types of electronics that can contact 911! Is that clear?!" Jack is met with deafening silence. He nods, "Much better! I appreciate your cooperation!"

Jack looks down to his watch, 4:45. His henchmen should be cutting through the back side of the hidden vault with a blow torch by now. All employees and patrons were on the lobby floor where Jack could handle crowd control. If all went accordingly to his plan, the boys would be long gone by the time they realize they actually were robbed. As it is they have no clue why Jack isn't grabbing money, but instead is casually looking down to his watch. The time was now 4:47.

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