Part Twenty-Four: Chapter 175: Identity Crisis

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Jason lay on his bed, staring up at the light fixture on the ceiling. His chest heaves up and down rapidly as his lungs try to catch up with his accelerated heart beat. But that's what doing too much cocaine will get you. Right now the coke was making him angry at everyone and everything. He's at that point of impairment where you either wanna fuck or fight.

Through the wall between his room and the master bedroom, Harley and the Joker could be heard having very loud and unusual sex. Jason was jealous and it really really pissed him off to have to listen to them like that. Jason's always been under the impression that sick people didn't fuck like teenage rabbits. Jason knew how sick his brother was, but damn, why couldn't he be rendered impotent once in a while?

The noise through the wall only grew more with every moan. Jason rolls his eyes and pulls headphones over his ears, hoping the music would drown them out.

A brief intermission...

Hey guys, I had to pause a moment to tell you this theory I have. Cuz I'm about to use it.

Tell me, have you ever been at the top of a 70 story building on a windy day? Or anything equally that high? No? How about 50 stories? I'm not sure if it's this way in other places. You guys tell me. @SqueackyGee, I know you feel me here! In Texas anywhere along the coast, its getting hit with a hurricane. This isn't a maybe thing, this is prophecy. I've been in five myself. Anyhow, our skyscrapers built along the coast are built to give a little for hurricane winds. They're given the room to sway. So when you go in a tall skyscraper like the JP Morgan Building or the San Jacinto Monument on a windy ass day, you can feel it sway. Now, here's my theory. If a wind can sway it, why can't some hard core fucking do it too?

And on with the show...

The headphones drown out their freaky noises and Jason stares back up a the ceiling. He could soon feel the swaying of the building. It must have been windy and about to rain. Jason gets out of his bed and walks to the balcony off his bedroom. Lightning looked awesome from a skyscraper, it was sometimes eye level. He liked to watch the lightning strike the lightning rods that all skyscrapers had. But there wasn't a cloud in the sky, nor a breeze, much less wind.

He shrugs it off and collapses back down on his bed. The movement of the building seemed almost rhythmic. That's when it dawned on Jason. With a grown he jumps up and pounds on the wall The two deviants in the next room were rocking the building, quite literally.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" He pounded his fists on the wall. He hears laughter, but then it gets quiet.

(Photo by dzhared

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(Photo by dzhared.leto @ Instagram)

He rolls his eyes with a sigh and sits by his window, staring out at the bright lights of the city at night. They shined to brightly that they stole the stars from the sky and only left you a moon, or a bat signal. Jason feels a burst of anger course through his entire body.

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