Part Ten: Chapter 60: Unlikely

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Three more times the Joker underwent the process of Dr. Strange going into his mind. The doctor has been wrong about the effects to the Joker being minimal. They in fact had sort of created holes in his memory, similar to the way the chemicals and shock therapy had. The Joker had lost things, such as the name of his wife. The Joker could remember their wedding. He knew his wife had been a Falcone. He remembered what she did to the baby. He remembered killing her. But he couldn't remember her name. He tried so hard to, but it just wouldn't come to him. In addition, he no longer remembered Jack's last name. He didn't remember the first time he held a conversation with Batsy. Details were gone from just about everywhere in his mind.

The Joker tries refusing the doctor, but naturally it was redundantly futile. The doctor simply gave him shot after shot of Thorazine, until the Joker was drooling and unable to refuse. The Thorazine also prevented the Joker from knowing what Dr. Strange was seeing. Nor could he keep the doctor out of certain memories. And the doctor stayed inside, prodding around for several hours at a time. Slowly he was starting to figure out the difference between the memories, dreams, and wishes inside the Joker's mind. As a matter of fact, you could even argue that it was the Joker's very soul. It was a place that fascinated Dr. Strange, but it was a place that the Joker guarded.

But on the fourth and final time that Strange went into the Joker's mind, everything changed. Dr. Strange spent too much time inside. The Joker's mind started to become indistinguishable from his own. It was as if the Joker had taken over the doctors mind to a degree. But the session was ended before the doctor could sort things out. He was instead, ripped away, uncertain what experiences belonged to him, as everything is so vivid, as if he had experienced all of it.

It was Bruce Wayne who ripped the helmet off Dr. Strange's head. He hadn't forgotten about the Joker's words about the unethical practices at Arkham. So he looked into the matter and he found many injustices done to the patients. Everything from physical abuse, unnecessary sedation, shock therapy as a torture device, experiments, and rape. So naturally he kept a close eye on the Joker's time at Arkham. His bat senses alerted him when the Joker would disappear from the security moniters all together, along with Dr. Strange in his company.

Bruce found the forgotten ward that had no survalence. He found the room that held Strange's strange machine. When he burst in he found the Joker, seemingly unconscious, strapped to a wheelchair. Bruce then noticed the constant trail of spit dripping from the Joker's mouth. Bruce cupped his chin and raised his head. The Joker's eyes rolled back in his head as he tried focusing on Bruce. Dr. Strange had obviously drugged the Joker.

"Joker!" He says and slaps his cheek as he holds his head up, "J?! Come on, wake up!"

"Joker!" He says and slaps his cheek as he holds his head up, "J?! Come on, wake up!"

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After a moment the Joker's eyes seem to lucidly look at Bruce. He parts his lips to try to speak, "...b...baaatsssssyyyyy," he weakly says.

"What's this helmet? What is Strange doing?" Bruce asks. The Joker's eyes rolled back again and Bruce shakes his shoulders hard. "Joker! Wake up! Stay with me! What is this helmet?!"

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