Part Twenty-Three: Chapter 167: The Bachelor And The Birthday Boy

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Only seven people knew about the wedding. The Joker, Harley, Frost, Ace, Ivy, Jason, and whatever official would be performing the ceremony. The Joker's reasoning for that was that he wasn't ready to unveil Jason. The Joker only let him go out if he wore a clown mask and blended in with the men. For Jason to take over as the Joker it would require him staying in the shadows for the time being. Jason seemed to understand, but the Joker could sense that he was getting restless. The Joker knew better than to let Jason become bored, it could trigger unpredictable and spontaneous behaviors. That wouldn't be good for anyone involved.

So the night before the wedding the Joker took his own best man duties and took he and Jason to his favorite gentleman's club. It was mostly an underground kind of place. The Joker keeps it mostly hidden because he's fond of the place, though he wasn't entirely sure why. Still, the following day was not only the day in which the Joker would marry Harley, but it was also Jason's twenty-first birthday. The Joker planned this so Jason could easily remember the date, for someday soon, it would become his anniversary as well.

The Joker stands in his bathroom mirror shaving his eyebrows and getting ready to go to the club with Jason. It's his intent to show Jason a good time, despite it technically being his bachelor party. In a way, he looked at it as Jason's too. Why should he assume the identity of a married man when he was still a virgin? Sure there was like a 0.08 percentage that the kid was Asexual, but the Joker highly doubts it. He could remember how Jack was after the first time, afterward he couldn't get enough. The Joker is near positive that Jason will be no different.

Harley appears in the mirror behind the Joker. She smiles and crosses around in front of him. She begins neatly tying his bowtie. "Ya be sure an have fun tonight puddin, aftah tomorrow yer mine."

The Joker smiles, "Don't worry dearest, I'll be a good boy tonight. You should have some fun yourself, just cover the cameras this time," he winks at her.

"Mistah J," she giggled, "I dunno what I'm gonna do with ya."

"You're going to marry me, that's what," he says and gives her a kiss on the forehead.

"Really Mistah J, all I get's a kiss on tha forehead?" She raises a brow at him.

"I'll kiss you again when the "I do's" have been said," he says and puts on his jacket. "Did you help Jason with the paint?" He asks. Tonight Jason's face was to be painted, to make him look as he formerly did. The club would be dim and have several colored lights, especially the Joker's preferred golden lights, which cast enough color to make his chalky complexion more normal looking.

"Yep, he's wearin' a hoodie too, so that'll cover his green hair," Harley replies.

"Good, so long as no one realizes how similar we look," the Joker says, meticulously jerking every slight wrinkle on him straight.

Meanwhile Jason was in the back alley to the building with Ace, parked and waiting for Frost to escort the Joker down. Jason watches as Ace fully loads his gun. It's always best to have a full clip, just in case. Ace looks at Jason in the rearview, checking out his painted face. He was just starting to get used to the kid having white skin like the boss. He couldn't help but notice the frown on Jason's face.

"Why so glum kid? Tonight's not about business. It's ok to relax a little and enjoy yourself. It's allowed tonight," Ace tells Jason.

"Apologies," Jason sighs and peers out the black tinted window, "I wasn't much fun in my previous life either."

"Look, tomorrow you're officially a man, but tonight you're still a kid. Use this night. Look at it as your last night to be young, dumb, and full of cum. You can be Mr. Serious tomorrow," Ace lightly chuckles. Ace's phone gets a text notification. He looks at it, it was Frost. "They're on their way down," Ace comments as he cranks the Black Cadillac Escalade.

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