Part Seven: Chapter 40: Remembrance

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The Joker finally slept after many many trying days. Days in which he had spent every waking moment analyzing and studying the bat. Only a few tests could be conducted from the small sample that the Joker had obtained. The Joker only learned one thing from the blood, and that was the bats blood type. AB Negative. Ironically enough, the Joker shared the same blood type as the bat. Unlike the Joker's blood, there was only blood in the bats blood. There was also a slight trace of alcohol, but that doesn't really come as a surprise to the Joker. He could picture the bat having a stiff drink after a night out fighting crime.

The Joker had began working out vigorously every day. Jack had been in shape, but he wasn't strong enough to take on the bat. The Joker hadn't failed to notice that brick shit house thing the bat had going on. The Joker knew he would have to become much stronger to compete with the bat. He simply had to get stronger if he actually planned on winning hand in hand combat with the bat. In addition, he studied videos of the bat in action. He studied every fighting style he could see the bat using. The Joker became quite efficient in martial arts, boxing, and kick boxing. To truly be the bats greatest foe, he had to be able to give him a run for his money.

But tonight, after Frost has had the time to put about a fifth of scotch down his bosses throat, the Joker rests alone on his king sized bed. He's draped across the bed sideways, fully clothed, with his shoes still on. His body had only carried him so far after so much scotch. His hand clenched at the comforter across the bed. His closed eyes flutter as his weary mind reaches REM sleep, the point of dreams.

The Joker stands in a steaming room. It's fogged and he can't make out anything about the room other than the brightness through the fog. Slowly the fog starts to lift and the Joker finds himself standing in front of a mirror. He looks at his lifeless white skin, his blood red lips, and his acidic green hair. He really has to get used to the new complexion.

"Jack," says a voice behind him and he feels a hand on his shoulder.

He quickly spins around and is very surprised to see Jeannie. She looked just as beautiful as he remembered. She smiles at him and reaches up to straighten his collar. He just stares at her in amazement as she does. She wasn't dead.

"Jeannie?" He gasps as he wraps his arms around her. He pulls her close and holds her tight. He buries his nose in her neck and breathes in her perfume. Oh how he had missed her.

She pulls away with a giggle, "Oh Jack, you really have turned yourself into a clown," she says with a big grin and traces his bright red lips.

"Where have you been?" He whispers and cups her face. A tear rolls down his ivory cheek.

"You should know Jack, you sent me to the place where I've been," she scrunched her eyebrows at him.

"W-what?" He stammers.

"You killed me silly," she smiles and taps the tip of his nose, "don't you remember Jack?" She then motions at the bruises around her neck. He knows he's the one who put them there.

"No," he shakes his head, "I don't remember. Please tell me Jeannie, why did I do it?"

She sighs and turns away from him, "Because of the baby Jack."

He grabs her and turns her to face him, "What about the baby?"

With a gasp the Joker's drunken eyes fly open. He remembered now. He quickly sits up in the middle of his bed and grabs his head. He remembered. He remembered killing his precious wife. She snuck out while he slept and aborted their child. When she told him he... The Joker draws in a sharp breath. He remembers everything. And slowly he can feel the rage building deep down inside of him again. It felt just as he felt as he squeezed the life out of his treacherous wife. How could she do that to him? To them? The Joker weaps alone in the dark as the pain of that day washes over him all over again. The pain rips at his chest. He wanted that baby so much.

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