Part Twenty-One: Chapter 150: Phases Pt. 1

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It took many months for the Joker to be able to formulate a plan to take down District Attorney Alday. It was perhaps the largest scheme of his entire criminal life. There were several people involved, mostly other reputable Gotham City criminals. There were several phases of the plan, but of course, the Joker was the only one with the privileged information of all of them. That was a tactic that had been working in his favor since day one. He could see no reason in switching out a formula that had always worked for him...


A lone gunman hides in the darkness of night on top of a building in Gotham's West End.

He watches through the scope of his rifle as the Russian gang unloads the latest drug shipment from their comrades in Mother Russian

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He watches through the scope of his rifle as the Russian gang unloads the latest drug shipment from their comrades in Mother Russian. It's just a typical night at the docks for the Russian gang. Tomorrow the drugs would be cut and sold to other dealers throughout Gotham. Just business as usual. But little did they know that a hit man was watching them.

Floyd Lawton had no interest in the Russian gang, or the drugs they were bringing into Gotham. He wasn't a drug user, well, not the hard stuff anyway. However, he can't resist trying to put a value on the amount of dope he was watching being unloaded. It was probably worth more than he was being paid to do this hit. But what was he going to tell the Joker? No? Nah, he valued his life far too much to ever tell I'm that. He shouldn't have asked to be paid a million a head either. The Joker was the kind of man that people do that sort of thing for for free.

He doesn't know why the Joker hired him to go to the West End and knock off a bunch of Russians. He doesn't give a shit what motivated the Joker. He just knows he's about to be eight million dollars richer. The men's lives held no meaning for Deadshot. They were just some poor fools who have no clue they're all about to die. It was nothing personal, merely business. They were his marks and he was the hired gun that would now be their end.

He cocks the weapon and squints shut one eye. From his vantage point they'll never even hear the gunfire. But he must work fast if he's to murder eight guys before they have the chance to run for cover. He draws in a breath as he lines up his first shot on the back of one of the Russians heads. He blows the air out slowly and completely and squeezes the trigger. He watches through the high powered scope as the guys head blows up and his body hits the ground.

Deadshot lines up his next shot and takes it. Two down and the rest haven't even noticed that he was picking them off like flies. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. His marks were all dead. Their blood had repainted the docks. Deadshot quickly packs up and grapples down from the building in seconds. He makes his way down into the subway and takes it back to his neighborhood. He pulls out his phone and dials a number. He hears it pick up, but no one speaks. Deadshot has no clue who it is, he just knows to call the number and say only two words.

"It's done." Then the phone goes dead.

The Penguin

"It's done."

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