Part Eight: Chapter 48: Discharged

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Joker's POV

My eyes scan over the guards as I shovel today's culinary mystery into my mouth. Ivy looks at me and motions to her teeth trying to tell me there's something stuck in mine. But I don't care. Moments later Nygma and Crane are joining us at the table with their trays in hand.

"Ladies," Crane smiles at Ivy, "J," he nods at me, "Isn't it a lovey day today?"

I lean forward and glare at him, "Save the weather report. Are you done with the fear toxin?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact it was done yesterday," Crane smiles and blinks at me. He really likes trying to push my buttons. He has a slight obsession with me from a mental standpoint. Just lingerings from his days here as a psychiatrist.

"Yesterday?" I growl and ball my fists. I fight the urge to bang them on the top of the table.

"Ooh! What is always on its way here but never arrives?" Riddler riddles us. And it was tomorrow. Yeah Ed, real genius.

"That one is too obvious Eddie," Ivy shakes her head, "It's tomorrow."

The Riddler just smiles

and starts to eat his "food"

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and starts to eat his "food". I unclench my fists and sigh. "Do you two pranksters want to be serious? Or are you just dying for tomorrow's mystery meal of the day? I don't have to take you guys with us. Ivy and I can escape just fine on our own."

"You are awfully serious for a guy named the Joker," Nygma points out.

"Yes, why do you call yourself the Joker?" Crane asks.

"Seriously?" Ivy cuts her eyes over at him. "The face moron."

"Thank you my dear," I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "If the stuff was done yesterday then why didn't you tell us?"

"Well I had to test it on someone didn't I?" Crane gives me a big smile.

"The only way we're all going to get out is if we work together, simultaneously in our efforts to the bigger picture," Nygma chimes in.

"I agree," I nod. "Have you both been able to get yourselves out of your own cells yet?" Nygma and Ivy both nod yes.

"I'm sorry no," Crane smiles, "I'm afraid I didn't grow up with the lock picking trash."

I glare at him. Oh how I wanted to leap across the table and choke him till he tapped out. "Careful, you're treading on thin ice Crane," I point at him.

"You really don't want to anger the clown," Nygma lowly tells Crane and motions to me with his head.

"My apologies," Crane clears his throat, "perhaps you should tell me how to pick the locks. I'm just not getting it."

I roll my eyes. "Nygma will let you out."

"Sure, if he can answer this riddle, we're five little items of an everyday sort, you'll find us in a tennis court," Nygma says smiling at Crane.

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