Part Twenty-One: Chapter 151: Phases Pt. 2

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The Joker sat alone, slumped in the spring clover beneath the big oak tree, where another tiny new grave lies. A lone tear trickles from one of his eyes. He had tried everything to have a baby with Harley. It was Ivy that discovered that the vat of chemicals played a large part in why Harley couldn't sustain any of the pregnancies. It had polluted her womb, as Ivy put it. The Joker chocked it up to Karma. The only two women he cares about can't bear his children. The Joker tries to blame Batman for the vat, but then he just blames himself.

There was still the possibility with a surrogate and his sperm, but the Joker had given up. He felt defeated. He felt as any attempt to father a child would end in failure. But then, what had he ever done to deserve a family anyway? So decided to just accept his fate to die and let the criminals fight for all that was his. But then he thought of an alternate route. It was probably a long shot, but he couldn't resist one last attempt to leave behind his legacy for someone.

Jason Todd

The Joker had sent Jason a text on the phone he had given him, not even knowing if the kid still had the phone or not. He had asked Jason to meet him at The Grin and Bare It. He didn't get a reply back, but he still got dressed up and escorted Harley and Ivy down to the club. He sat alone in his VIP lounge and watched as Harley and Ivy danced together. The way they were dancing together was a bit more friendly than it should have been. He would have felt turned on if he didn't feel so emasculated. He's about to jump up and scold the ladies but notices a young out of place figure walking through his club in complete awe.

The Joker stands and crosses to the window. He was actually surprised that Jason had shown up. The Joker gets Frost's attention and points out his younger Brother, to have him brought up. The Joker downs his drink and straightens his clothes nervously. He sits back down and rests his elbows on his knees as he patiently waits for Johnny to retrieve Jason. Finally the door is opened and Jason walks in with a look of skepticism.

The Joker broadcasts a broad smile to hide his uncertainty. "Jason, so glad you could make it. Have a seat," the Joker politely motions.

Jason sits and just stares at the Joker. Finally, uncomfortable with the silence, he shrugs, "You asked me to meet you here, so what's up?"

"Would you care for something to drink? Milk and cookies?" The Joker teases.

"Would you care for something to drink? Milk and cookies?" The Joker teases

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Jason rolls his eyes, "Still not 21 J."

"Ah, yes," the Joker nods, "but you must be close to 21 by now."

"Eight more months," he dismissively shrugs.

"Well, how about a girl? I've got something for every liking, " the Joker motions around, "Or are you saving yourself for that special lady?"

Jason sighs and leans forward, "Why don't you just cut the shit and tell me what you're trying to butter me up for."

The Joker narrows his eyes a moment, "Very well then," he sits up straight. "I can't have children."

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