Part Twenty-Four: Chapter 172: Snafu

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The Joker pant as he sat up on the side of his bed. His hand instinctively goes straight to his aching head.

 His hand instinctively goes straight to his aching head

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He's tired this morning, as well as most others. The tumor was preventing him from going into REM sleep. So he never fully went to sleep. The pain causes a wave of nausea. He slowly gets up. He knows that fast movements would only make him fall. He fell a lot these days, the tumor was also starting to effect his mobility.

He turns to see Harley fast asleep behind him. As much as it humiliated his pride, he knows he must ask her for help to the bathroom. Once there he could load himself with drugs and alcohol until he could get around with only his cane. Luckily for him, he's been seen with his cane for years and years. Therefore, only those closest people to him knows it serves a purpose much bigger than a fashionable image.

He slides his hand across the bed and touches Harley's arm. "Harley," he says her name.

Her eyes instantly open, "Puddin?" She wastes no time and quickly sits up. "Is everthing ok?" She asks him.

"I need help to the bathroom my love," he says softly. Harley knew it filled him with shame to even ask.

Harley helps him to the bathroom where he sits down at the vanity. As Harley leaves his shaking hand reaches for the top drawer of the vanity. His mind starts thinking of Jason as he makes out several lines of coke and meth. The shocks had made him crueler. They'd made him more dominant. But they hadn't made him hear voices the way they had Harley. The Joker couldn't figure out why. He himself had heard the voice in his head since childhood. When Dr. Arkham first started zapping his brain he had told him it would make the voice go away. But it never had. It still hadn't.

Since he couldn't break Jason's mind as much as his own he came up with another way. That was to take Jason through the experience of what it was like to endure voices. He would show Jason how truly broken he was on the inside. It was the only way for Jason to truly grasp the Joker's insanity. The only thing to show him the thought process that made him the Clown Prince of Crime. It was necessary.

The Joker had spent the last several months formulating a plan. The mission was to free an inmate from Arkham Asylum. Why would the Joker do that? Well, the inmate fit into the Joker's plan to turn Jason into him. A certain inmate held the key to giving Jason an understanding of the Joker that the Joker probably didn't even fully understand.

When the Joker had regained enough of his energy to function he got dressed. Frost had left early to give out orders to the clowns. As with most of the Joker's plans, this one had several parts and stages. Three separate groups of clowns would be for distraction purposes once the alarms at Arkham sound. Fifty clowns would be going with the Joker to storm Arkham.

The Joker walks out of the bathroom, using the furniture along the way as needed support. He picks up his cane and crosses to the bed. He peers down at Harley soundly sleeping. What a beautiful sight she was. The Joker still hasn't gotten used to the fact that she was his wife. Marriage was different for him this time around. His first wife he always had to protect and worry about. The Joker didn't worry about Harley, he knew she could take care of herself. Heaven help the army that ever came after her.

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