Part Four: Chapter 20: Love

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Jeannie's POV

I stand at out apartment window and wait for Jack to get home. I'm dressed in a little purple nighty. It has lace and frills and pushes my breasts up and gives me a lot of cleavage. There's four little snaps in the crotch for easy access. It was gonna drive Jack wild. I can't wait to throw my arms around him. I love the warmth of his skin. I love the look he gets in his eyes when he looks at me. It's fascination. It's as if everything is new to him and he indulges in it fully. Love. Loyalty. Connection. Dedication.

I hate when he's away. I don't get to see him as often now that we're in Metropolis. He has his full time job as a chemist at LexCorp. It pays the bills, but Jack hates the mundane routine of a normal life. He says it takes up too much of his time. Time he could be using to get us out of here. He's pretty obsessed with getting us back to Gotham. I don't see the fascination. Metropolis is so much nicer. But I completely trust Jack. He's going to make us a good life.

Some nights Jack talks in his sleep. He dreams of the things he will do. Things he had to do. Sometimes there's nightmares. Violent dangerous nightmares. He wakes up startled sometimes and grabs his gun from under his pillow or a knife from the nightstand. He's woken up a few times and pinned me down to the bed. It takes him a moment to realize he's reacting to a dream. His eyes look so violent like they're ready to kill. Some nights he dreams up ideas for his plans.

Jack is meticulous with details. He really was a genius, and a lot of the time I can't keep up with his mind. It's like his thoughts were one big swirling tornado. And it never stopped. It gives him insomnia a lot of the time. He sits at the table all night sometimes and reviews, makes notes, and plans, and details. Sometimes the only way to get him to sleep is with seduction. And that was the plan for tonight. It's time he slept, he's been up just a few hours short of three days.

Finally I hear his key in the lock. I stand in the middle of the room posed and ready to entice. I'm a package ready to be opened. The door opens and Jack sees me. A smile comes to his face as his eyes recognize what he's seeing. He kicks the door shut and walks strait to me. I could see the want, the desire, completely enthralled expression take over his face.

His hands go to my waist as he moves his body closer, crashing his skin into mine. "Mmmm, you look so hot. You have me hot. I like the purple." His lips take mine and his tounge licks my lips, begging for entry. I Part my lips and his tongue dips into my mouth. His hands run down to my ass and he starts to squeeze and pull me closer to him.

Jack ends the kiss and rests his forehead with mine. "Every fiber of my being wants you. Every part of me is filled with you. I love you so much that its scary. So much it hurts." he says softly, his forehead still pressed to mine. His warm breath goes along my lips with every word.

He backs away from me slightly. His hand raises and and moves a strand of my hair behind my ear. " know we're not a normal couple, right? I'm a gangster, you're a mobsters daughter. I'm a murderer. Darkness lives in me. But I want you so much. I don't deserve you. I should let you go," he says as his fingers trace my lips. " You should run far away from me Jeannie."

"Oh Jack, why are you so hard on yourself?" I say and wrap my arms around him in an embrace. "When I'm with you I feel safe. I think you're funny. You're street smart, and I like that. I know you can survive under any circumstances. I'm here because I want to be with you. I need a gangster. I'm in love with a gangster." I say next to his ear.

Jack slightly dips down and brings me up effortlessly into a bridal carry. He gently lays me on the bed and crawls up next to me. He reclines up on his elbows and looks at me. He looks into my soul. He looks like he is thinking so hard his brain is about to explode. He opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it and just looks at me again with his wheels turning. Then he gently runs his index finger over my bottom lip. His fingers are rough and manly. His head moves down and his lips replace his finger. His lips are so warm and soft at first but the kiss quickly grows.

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