Part Fourteen: Chapter 99: The Real Joker

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Dr. Quinzel found the address that the Joker had written down for her. As she walked along the sidewalk the house came into view. Mistah J wasn't lying, he was rich. It was a big mansion on a hill. It was just outside of the city. As she approached the gate she was met by men holding very big guns. She wanted to scream. She wanted to turn and run away. But she reached into herself and found the courage to continue.

"Can we help you sweetheart?" One asks as he rests the gun across his shoulders and looks Dr. Quinzel up and down.

"M-Mistah J sent me," she stammers.

The men both look at each other then back to Dr. Quinzel. It seemed as if they were questioning her. But at the same time, they know the unpredictability of their boss. They knew that he was locked up, and getting word to them would require a second party on the outside to deliver it.

"Yeah, well I'm gonna have to search you sweetheart," the guy gawking at her says. The other guy remains silent and puffs away at a cigarette.

Dr. Quinzel nods and extends her arms out as the guy starts parting her down. he starts at her ankles,, then her calves, knees and up her thighs. His hands get very close to brushing her nether regions. He plays along her hips, then up her sides. He even run his hands under her breasts with a smile. Finally he backs away with a big grin. Dr. Quinzel felt dirty. Why did she agree to do this?

"You can go up to the house," he nods with his head toward it.

Dr. Quinzel walks up the long driveway. The grass thick and green. There were flowers everywhere. The bushes were neatly trimmed. When she reached the front door she saw dancing jesters as door knockers. She smiled and reached up to one and knocked. The door was answered by another man holding a gun. He just stared at her. So Dr. Quinzel decided to state her business.

"I need ta see Frost. Mistah J sent me," she tells him.

The guy steps aside and motions for her to come in. Dr. Quinzel steps inside and is in awe of how beautiful and sophisticated the Joker's home was. In her mind she thought it would have been more dungeon like. But this was no dungeon. She expected wild greens and purples. She expected blood splattered walls and carpets. However, it was extremely tidy, and the doctor assumes Mistah J has a housekeeper. This was a palace fit for a king...or, in this case, a Prince. Fit for the Clown Prince of Crime.

"Wait here," the guy says and walks away.

Dr. Quinzel watched as he starts up the stairs. She innocently folds her hands behind her back and takes in the art on the walls. It was very abstract. There were vases that were probably worth thousands. Near the fireplace she saw a bear skin rug. The couch could seat twenty people or more. Everything was in shades of white, cream, and beige. Everything was so elegant that Dr. Quinzel didn't want to touch anything for fear of breaking something.

Soon she saw a man coming down the stairs. Another man was right behind him. He was tall with dark brown hair, parted and combed to the side. He sported a short beard and mustache. He was wearing an expensive suit with a purple tie. His eyes searched her as he descended the stairs. As he approached her, she could see he was all business. He gives her a polite nod and extends his hand out to her.

"Johnny Frost," he says.

"I'm Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Mistah J is my patient," she tells him and shakes his hand.

"Have a seat," he says and motions to the couch.

Dr. Quinzel goes over to it and sits down. Then Frost sits down across from her. He looks at her with a blank face. Dr. Quinzel couldn't help but notice his eyes. They were void, lifeless, and uncaring. Dr. Quinzel had seen the same look in Mistah J's eyes.

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