Part Twelve: Chapter 67: Hello Again

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The bat signal blazened through the clouds of the dark Gotham night. Standing alone on the roof of the GCPD, Jim Gordon awaited Batman's help with a crime taking place. Unbeknownst to him, the Clown Prince himself lurks in the shadows on the rooftop, waiting for Batman and his new Robin. The Joker was alone, but rest assured, his men were watching and listening. If he needed them they wouldn't be far away. But the Joker was pretty confident that he wouldn't need them. He had no intention of harming anyone, he was simply...curious.

Then the caped Dark Knight landed on the rooftop in that stereotypical 'super hero landing', causing the Joker to smile. Bruce looked well and deep down the Joker was nervous about seeing him again. A split second later his reminiscent moment is interrupted when Batsy's little sidekick grappled down from the next building. The Joker snarls to himself at how easy the little shit made it look. The Joker was not fond of the whole grappling technique. He was more of the front or back door type. But in a pinch, grappling was useful.

"Gordon," Bruce says in his deep Batman voice as he walks over to where Gordon stood. His new...son...or whatever, two paces behind.

The Joker couldn't help but notice how small the child seemed next to Bruce. He seemed so frail, his child muscles yet to be developed. Wasn't Bruce concerned about the kids well being? Did he really think it was a good idea to have a child on dangerous missions? Especially when said child was supposed to be the Batman's backup. The child seemed out of place. But then, the Joker remembered his own crime filled teenage years. They were full of danger as well, and nobody had given a shit about his well being either.

"There's a hostage situation in the East End," Gordon informs Batman.

The Joker slinks through the shadows like a black cat on the prowl as Gordon briefs the bat. The Joker's eyes never once leave from the three people on the GCPD rooftop. He approaches the bat signal and smirks. Children like shadow puppets, he thinks to himself. So he raises his hands up into the bright spot light and starts making shadow figures in the sky. The flashes quickly get the attention of Batman, Gordon, and little Jason, and they look up into the sky. Bruce looks over at the spot light and wonders who is behind it.

"What the..." Gordon starts, but before he can finish his sentence that maddening laugh that the entire city knew and feared, pierces the night.

"Aha ha ha ha!"

Bruce's heart sinks in his chest and he freezes, paralyzed to that very spot. The Joker had been laying low for a year. What was he doing there? Jim Gordon quickly pulls his gun as the Joker steps out of the shadows. Gordon starts for the Joker with his sights locked on his forehead. Batman quickly places a gloved hand in the middle of Gordon's chest. "Jim no," he says, "I've got this."

Gordon still stands firmly, aiming his gun as he keeps a watchful eye on the Joker. The Joker laughs out again, "Oh Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo, relax. I'm not even armed," the Joker says as he opens up both sides of his jacket to reveal his empty gun harness.

"Joker, what are you doing here?" Batman growls and walks closer to the Joker. He wanted to be close enough to read any hidden emotions that might briefly flash in the Joker's eyes.

The Joker, however, tries to not make much eye contact, because he's perfectly aware of what Bruce was attempting to do. "I'm not here to start trouble Batsy, I was just curious about the new addition to," the Joker carelessly twirls his wrist and rolls his eyes in the kids direction.

Bruce can't help but notice that the Joker seemed more animated than normal. "Why?" Bruce asks him lowly.

The Joker looks to the side with a grin, "Well bats, I can't just trust your life to any common kid off the street. If you got killed where would that leave me? I have way more fun with you than I do the GCPD," he frowns and looks at Gordon. He slowly walks past Gordon staring at him in intimidation. Then he slowly starts to circle around Gordon. "The cops just don't have your pizzaz. Or your wonderful toys." He moved even closer to Gordon. "The cops are too easily corrupted. And you know what else? They're cheap to buy," the Joker gives Gordon a creepy grin before raising his hairless brows and moving away. "But there's no buying you bats."

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