Part Twenty-Two: Chapter 159: Visitation

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Bruce sat alone in the dark at Wayne Manor drinking. The Manor felt empty with Jason gone. It felt like one big mausoleum to Bruce. The place reminded him daily of his parents. And now Jason. Bruce had encased Jason's Robin uniform in glass. It was in the Batcave so it could remind him daily of what the Joker had done. It reminded him that it was his fault for Jason's death. It served the purpose of reminding him that the Joker couldn't be trusted.

Bruce felt betrayed. Again. And it consumed him and turns into anger. Bruce had to go see the Joker in Arkham. He had to ask him why, why did he kill Jason? Was it to get my attention? Was it to hurt me? How could he tell me he loved me, then turn around and do such a horrible thing to me? Or had it not been planned at all? What if it was the timing of sending Jason into the building? What if it was one of those spontaneous and unpredictable actions of the Joker? Bruce had to know.

So Bruce gets dressed, then attempts to brush the smell of alcohol from his mouth. He drives to Arkham and convinces the staff to allow him to have a meeting with the Joker. It cost him ten grand. He couldn't help but wonder how much of it would actually go the fixing up the hospital. Arkham was close to becoming condemned. They needed better security for the criminally insane. Fixing the cameras would be a good first step.

Bruce sits nervously as he waits for the guards to bring the Joker in. When they do Bruce immediately sees a trail of blood coming from it. He looks to the guards who shove the Joker into a chair. "Why is his nose bleeding?" Bruce asks.

"It's nothing, he's been having nose bleeds," a guard tells Bruce.

Bruce turns to the Joker, "Is that true?"

The Joker's eyes go to the floor. It was difficult for him to look at Bruce. "It's true," the Joker says softly.

The guard smirks. He knew Bruce Wayne though that they had beat the Joker. It had after all happened many times. "See, we didn't touch him." He turns to leave and the other guard walks out with him.

The Joker may have done unspeakable things, and was capable of anything. He might have been cruel and ruthless. Probably everyone in gotham has a horror story to tell about him. He might have deserved to get roughed up by guards, but It was wrong and against the law. They were supposed to be trying to help the Joker. But all they had ever done was fry his brain, rape him, and use him in experiments.

The Joker glances at Bruce and he tries to read his face. "Why have you come here Bruce?" He asks. "You come to look at my new silver teeth?"

Bruce just holds a poker face, "Why'd you do it J? Why'd you kill Jason?"

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Bruce just holds a poker face, "Why'd you do it J? Why'd you kill Jason?"

The Joker looks away, "Why is the sky blue, why is water wet?" He sighs.

Bruce slams a fist down on the table that separates them. The Joker looks back at him and can see the seething anger in his eyes. "Damnit J, don't give me bullshit answers! Stop toying with me! Tell me why you did it!"

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