Part Twenty-Six: Chapter 189: Sated

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Harley had managed to carefully slide out of Jason's arms as he slept. This left her hugging to the edge of the bed. She didn't know how she would ever get used to sleeping with Jason. Just knowing what he wanted from her was bad enough. She hadn't expected him to move into the room the night of the funeral. Obviously he had no couth, no morals, or any respect for the Joker. At least he didn't snore. However, he snorted enough cocaine that one day he would deviate his septum. Then he would start snoring. And then Harley would entertain the idea of smothering him in his sleep with a pillow.

She waits a while, unable to sleep. The soft sound of his breathing kept her awake. It wasn't the way the Joker sounded when he slept. She looks over her shoulder at Jason. The relaxed look of his face wasn't even the same as the Joker's. Jason slept with his ruby lips parted. The Joker's mouth was always closed. Possibly because he subconsciously thought about someone trying to drop poison down his throat. Some would say that the Joker was paranoid, but statistically speaking, paranoia would keep you alive longer. If Jason has a brain he too will realize the added benefits of a little paranoia.

Harley knows that Jason is only twenty one. Young men carry a naivety due to their lack of life experience. But the abundance of testosterone coursing through their veins makes them take un-calculated risks. It makes them impatient and impulsive, which only breeds complications to many things. Harley knew none of these things could change overnight. However, they couldn't wait for their leader to grow the fuck up. It wasn't just Jason's life on the line, it was all of theirs. They needed to be able to depend on Jason, not question his every move.

Harley wished Jason would have had more time to observe and learn from Mistah J. She knew the Joker would have wanted more time to teach him essential lessons. Unfortunately, the seizure happened very unexpectedly, and no one had been prepared for him to slip into a coma he would never wake up from. Everyone had known time was limited, and that they were running out of it. But no one had expected the Joker to decline all at once the way he did. Judging by the symptoms he was displaying, they thought there was still time.

Harley hadn't seen the real Mistah J in over a week. She desperately wanted to, but it simply wasn't possible right now. Jason barely let her out of his sight. - She needed to come up with a reason for leaving the penthouse without him. And she had to make sure he didn't have her followed. There couldn't be a single shred of doubt in Jason's mind, nor one ounce of suspicion. Harley knew that she had to remain patient. Eventually she would be able to see her puddin's handsome face again.

Ace was the only one who had seen the Joker in his cryogenic state. He, Ivy, and Frost were the only ones that could possibly see him right now. Ace had assured Harley that the Joker was alright. But hearing it and seeing it were two very different things. Harley needed to see him, even though she couldn't hold his hand or kiss his forehead. She wanted to feel his presence. She chooses to believe that he could somehow sense hers as well. What if he thought she had abandoned him?

Harley sighs and looks at the digital alarm clock by the bed. It was 4:00 am. (04:00 for my European readers) She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep. She carefully sides out of the bed so it doesn't wake Jason. She tip toes across the room to the door. She slowly turns the knob and prays that the click of the latch didn't wake him. Mistah J had been an extremely light sleeper, she doesn't know about Jason. The latch quietly clicks and she looks back to check if Jason noticed, but he lays unmoved. She breathes in relief and gently pulls the door open and slips out of the room.

She tip toes down the hall to Ivy's room. She goes inside and shuts the door. She goes over to the bed and raises the edge of the covers. This causes Ivy to stir. She had just enough moonlight to make out who it was.

"Harls?" She drowsily asks, "Is everything ok?" It was unlike Harley to wake her up unless there was a problem.

Harley gets under the covers and nuzzles up to Ivy. "Jason came inta my room when I wuz gettin ready fer bed. He got in my bed without askin me if it'd be ok. He said that it wuz where tha Joker wuz suppose ta sleep an he's tha Joker now. He went ta sleep with me in his arms. Who does sumthin like that? He actually thinks I'm gonna just fall in love with 'im."

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