Part One: Chapter 5: Therapy

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A Child Protective Services case worker pulled through the front gates of Arkham Asylum,

A Child Protective Services case worker pulled through the front gates of Arkham Asylum,

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Jack's first thought was how dark and foreboding the place seemed. As the car pulls up to the front of the main building, Jack looks up at the big creepy building. The place certainly wasn't warm and inviting. Jack wonders how long they will keep him here? He's not really crazy, or so he thinks anyway. He knows that he's cognatively sound, he knew who he was, where he was, and what he was doing. Jack knows that he is capable of taking care of himself. He also convinces himself that he's not a threat to himself or anyone else.

They take Jack inside the cryptic building and were met by a few staff members. Their clothes were solid white and were the same as what doctors and nurses wore. They smile at Jack with sympathetic faces. But Jack knows that it's just the polite way to behave. It was just human nature to feel sorry for those that have fallen upon bad times and misery.

The oldest of the bunch squats before Jack with a smile that was less sympathetic. "Hello Jack, I'm Dr. Arkham," he extends his hand out for Jack to shake.

Jack hesitates, looking blankly at the man's hand. Maybe a part of him was waiting for the man in his head to make some sort of comment. Maybe he just didn't trust the doctor. Perhaps he simply didn't want to be stuck in this place. Whatever his reasoning, he didn't put his hand in the doctors. Eventually the doctor rises up.

"Has he said anything?" He asks the social worker who delivered him.

"Not really no," she shakes her head. "The police said that he told them he killed his father because he was protecting the mother."

The doctor nods, "He must be quite confused. He's been through a lot. You are aware that we don't normally treat children here, right? However, I think this is worth an exception. I think we can help him here. I'll take his case personally."

A nurse looks down as Jack's shoes. "Sweety, I'm going to need you to take the shoelaces out of your shoes, can you do that for me?"

Jack quietly complies and goes over to sit in a chair. He pulls off one shoe and starts to unlace it. The nurse watched his every move. It makes Jack nervous and he didn't completely understand why she wanted him to do this.

"So you can't try to kill yourself," the voice tells him.

Jack's eyes scan the room. He can see an outlet on the wall. The floor was concrete with tiles overlayed. The walls were thick and painted white. There was tempered glass around the nurses station. He sees a pencil in its opening. Jack knows that if he wanted to kill himself that he had plenty of other options. Taking his shoelaces wouldn't stop him if he really wanted to die.

"Are you wearing a belt sweety?" The nurse smiles and takes the shoelaces in Jack's hand. He shakes his head and looks down at his shoes without the laces on his feet.

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