Part Four: Chapter 18: Demonstration

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The next day Jack went downtown to bail out his men who remained in jail. Which was all of them except Johnny Frost, the two the cops had killed, and the rat who would pay for his stupidly foolish act. Jack was unyielding, make no mistake about it. But Jack couldn't just stroll into a jail house with a backpack full of cash and bail them out. No, something more elaborate was needed to get them all out while ensuring that Jack's identity remained hidden.

Jack went through several people, twenty if you want an exact number. They were just normal people, minding their own business. Jack paid each of them to simply walk into a bail bondsman's office with cash money and bail out the name he gives them. It took the better part of the day. Each were contacted the second they left the jail by Johnny Frost. He informs them to go to an address he gives them. He tells them that the boss is calling a meeting.

So slowly they assemble to the unrecognizable address that was somewhere along the harbor. The gossip among them grew as the hours passed away with no sign of the boss. They figit and complain. They play poker and talk shit about Jack. A few of them remain quiet and out of the negative comrodery. They silently bide their time until the boss shows up.

Frost enters the address where the men were assembled. "Boss wants everyone to line up," he tells them.

 They don't take him seriously but they slowly comply

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They don't take him seriously but they slowly comply. Frost leaves the room. When he returns he's dragging a man tied to a chair. Jack follows, shrouded in the mystery of the Red Hood.

Jack paced slowly before his men in his red hood, hands neatly folded behind his back. He studies the fear and uncertainty on their faces. They all stood frozen at attention in a straight line in his new warehouse. It was just blocks from the one the cops raided. That location was compromised so a new one was required. Jack didn't appreciate the inconvenience of it. It was a step that would have otherwise been unnecessary, had it not been for the frailty of one man. Jack was not pleased by this inconvenience.

Before them all was the rat, the spineless man who sold Jack out to a bunch of dirty cops. He was tightly bound to a chair with duct tape across his mouth. His eyes bulged with fear, not knowing what kind of punishment Jack had in store. He really only compromised one of Jack's aliases, but it still mattered to Jack, it was a matter of principle. Jack stares with a sternness that his men couldn't see for the red hood. But just the cadence of his pace made them on edge and fearful of what their boss was about to do.

Rage boils inside of Jack. This piece of shit scumbag tied up before him was a traitor. Jack didn't like traitors. They were a cowardly breed that placed their own welfare above a little interrogation. They were spineless, weak men who couldn't handle the pressure of a few slaps and threats. They were men who feared authority. They carried shame, guilt, and remorse, and under it all, really wanted to be caught. Pansys. Pussies. Yellowbellied. Jack had no room in his organization for cowardice.

Jack also has no tolerance for the fact that this sorry fuck thought he could just do this treasonous act and get away with it. Did he think Jack would never be none the wiser about it? Did he think it would be unnoticed and just swept under a rug? Did he think Jack would shrug it off? Did he expect a pat on the back? Did he really think the cops would follow through with anything they might have promised? Idiot. Fool. Incompetent moron.

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