Part Thirteen: Chapter 75: Struggles

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Ivy's eyes opened and she realized that the Joker's side of the bed had gone unslept in yet another night. She's lost track of how many nights in a row it has been now. Far too many. Definitely over a week. She sighs and sits up in the bed. When she does she sees the Joker sitting slouched in a chair, bowtie draped loosely through the collar of his wrinkled, untucked, unbuttoned shirt. His dark pupils stared at her blankly with his lips slightly parted.

"Jesus J," she jumps, startled by his creepy presence, "how long have you been there?" She asks and notices the drink that he limply holds in his right hand

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"Jesus J," she jumps, startled by his creepy presence, "how long have you been there?" She asks and notices the drink that he limply holds in his right hand. On the table next to him she sees an empty scotch bottle. She can only assume he emptied it as he watched her like some wierdo.

"A while," he answers, unblinking and unmoving.

"Why?" Ivy shrugs.

The Joker brings his drink to his lips and continues staring at Ivy. He takes a drink and lowers the glass. "I was just pondering how strange it seems to have a beautiful woman sleeping in my bed again."

"How strange it is?" Ivy raises an eyebrow at him.

"It's been several years," he nods. His eyes then float down to the floor. "Frost told me about your conversation...the one in regards to my wife." The Joker sighs and stands. He walks to the window and looks out. It certainly wasn't a topic he was too keen on discussing. However, if told to Ivy correctly, it could elicit her sympathy. It could be a little sympathy ace card up his sleeve. It wasn't as if he was making it up, it was a true story.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Ivy asks and watches as the Joker downs the rest of his drink.

"It didn't come up," he sighs and turns to the liquor cabinet to refill his glass. "Besides," he shrugs, "it wasn't exactly an appropriate conversion to be having with my new girlfriend."

"Uh, but I think it's rather relevant for me to know. I killed her," Ivy says in almost a whisper, still shocked by the knowledge.

The Joker's eyes glare over at Ivy and he returns to the window with his drink. "She did something unspeakable Ivy," his voice says distantly as he peers outside. "She aborted our child. She did it while I slept. She married me knowing exactly what kind of man I was, but she didn't feel as though I was capable of being a father. In hindsight, she could have been correct in the assumption. My life isn't very complementary to a traditional family," he says dismissively. When Ivy makes no reply the Joker slowly approaches the bed, his finger stirring the ice cubes in his drink. "It wasn't my intention to kill her...but she broke my heart. I wanted to have that child. I wanted us to be a family." The Joker could feel the pain in his chest, throbbing away in his vacant heart. It still hurt. "But, it wasn't part of her plan to even tell me. She planned to abort it, and for me to be none the wiser. I guess I should be thankful that her uncle kidnapped us. She told him about the kid so he didn't kill her. Then he of course told me." He watches the indecision on her face as she hesitantly looks up at him.

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