Part Eighteen: Chapter 130: Desperate Measures

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Harley sat in the middle of the bed with her knees to her chest. Her eyes stare at the wall. She already knows all about her Mistah J being at the hospital. The news hadn't said why, but she already knows. The cops beat him up again. Apparently pretty bad if they had to take him to a hospital. Harley was worried. She needed to know if he was ok. She jumps out of the bed and quickly goes down the stairs. In the kitchen she found Frost pointing at something on some pages scattered across the table top with Ace and Simon.

"Ain't ya useless clowns found a way ta save Mistah J yet?!" She shouted at the hardened criminals before her.

"Ain't ya useless clowns found a way ta save Mistah J yet?!" She shouted at the hardened criminals before her

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They just glare at Harley like she had no say in anything. She was just the bosses little toy, his flavor of the month. They ignore her and go back to what they were doing. Anger rips through Harley. She wasn't going to allow them to just ignore her. She grabs a glass from the counter and hurls it at the men. It smashes on the wall behind them. The men don't even blink.

Frost rests his weight on his palms, "Look, we don't know how serious his condition is yet. He hasn't sent us any word, and he always does. We can't get anywhere near that hospital to rescue him. Our only hope is to get him when they try to transfer him from the hospital to the jail. That's what we're trying to plan right now. We don't have time for your outbursts. Either leave, or be quiet and try to help us."

Harley stomped her foot hard with a growl. She clenched her fists and rolled her eyes, "Fine!" She snaps and moved closer to the table, curious as to how they planned to get Mistah J back.

"As I was saying," Frost sighs, "they'll be expecting us to make a move to rescue him. They'll be prepared for it. They'll probably try to transfer him at night. That way there's less traffic on the streets and they can make fast evasive maneuvers if they need to."

Ace nods, "They might try a decoy SWAT van or something. We have to be prepared for any misdirection they might use."

"Agreed," Frost nods.

"We could pinch some of the cops not on the bosses payroll," Simon offers.

"We have no way of knowing who will be part of the actual transfer," Frost shakes his head.

"Well obviously they ain't letting no rookie cop do it. It'll probably be SWAT with some detective in charge," Ace notes.

"What detectives are on our side? I need a list of names," Frost says.

"I'm on it," Simon says and pulls out his phone as he steps away from the table.

"But how do ya know they'll be transferin him ta jail? Whut if they send him ta a loony bin in anothah city?" Harley asks.

"The District Attorney is hell bent on proving him competent so he can stand trial for his crimes," Frost explains.

"Which means that the city will have a hold on him so the competency hearing can be started," Ace adds.

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