Part Eleven: Chapter 65: Lost That Loving Feeling

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Bruce's POV

I'm awakned to, "Good morning Master Bruce," as Alfred cheerfully says it and sits the tray with my breakfast on it next to me on the night stand. I could smell maple syrup and black coffee.

I run fists over my eyes and let out a deep contented sigh. But then I suddenly remembered last night. Kisses and touches and professions of love. J! J was in my bed with me! I sit up quickly and look in the bed next to me. But it was empty. Oh shit! Where did he go? Oh no, I forgot to put him back in the cell! Where was he? Was he hiding somewhere in my room? Did he hear Alfred coming and hide? Did he go back to the batcave by himself?

I look up at Alfred, trying to hide my shock. I notice the expression on his face as he starts picking up my discarded clothes. He can see the clothes were discarded that way because of a sexual encounter. It's not till that second that I realize I'm still naked. Shit. And he knows that I would only be naked for one reason. When his back turns I take a quick look under my bed, but he wasn't there.

"Well, I'll just be going," Alfred politely says, laying my discared clothes across his arm, his cheeks slightly blushed. Oh god.

"No wait," I quickly say. I jump up and wrap a sheet around my waist. It could be dangerous to let Alfred roam around the house until I know what happened to J. I didn't want them to inadvertently hurt one another. "I need to make sure that..."

"That what?" Alfred looks down his nose at me and I can't help but feel as if he's disappointed in me. "To make sure the mad psychopath is still in the batcave sir?" My mouth gaped. "To answer your question Master Bruce, he's not here. He escaped as you...slept."

My stomach starts to churn nervously. "Escaped? You're sure?" I quickly ask. I was thinking too much of J for my embarrassment to come through. I'd be embarrassed later.

"I watched the survalence footage this morning sir," Alfred nods. His look of disapproval only grows more by the second.

"Alfred I..."

"He came out of this very room," Alfred continues. He's doing his best not to shout at me. Damnit.

I try to think fast, "Alfred, it's not what you think...I..."

"It is precisely what I think sir. Did you go mad yourself Master Bruce? That man...he will only kill you when you least expect," he says and I can't take the way he's looking at me. He was so disappointed with me. And I felt like shit because Alfred was the one person whose approval I needed. I avoid the look and quickly start to dress. Alfred looks away from me, "I guess it's safe to say you're going after him?" He asks.

"I have to Alfred. He's confused and scared and hurting and it's my fault," I say fast as I quickly button up my shirt. I had to find him. He couldn't have gone far.

"Scared and hurting? The Joker sir?" He asks incredulously, "Perhaps you should be examining yourself for traces of drugs. The Joker obviously drugged you if you think he's capable of either of those things sir."

"You don't know him like I do..." I sigh.

"I should say not sir."

My eyes cut over to him. "Thank you Alfred, that will be all." He grabs up his tray and storms from the room.

I quickly finish dressing. I comb my hair but don't bother shaving away yesterday's stubble. I didn't have time to be immaculate. I smell inside my shirt and can only smell the faint linger of the J and the Arkham Asylum soap. A pain runs through my chest. I have to find him. I had to!

I get in my car and start to drive. I race to the old Falcone estate. I'm in total disbelief when I rush into it, just to find it empty and abandoned. I can't resist the urge to knock a door off its hinges on my way out. I felt so hurt and angry. Where did he go? Better yet, why had he left? Did he seduce me so that he could escape? Did he get scared and run? Was anything about last night real?

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