Part Thirteen: Chapter 76: Oopsey

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Bruce's POV

I've been searching for the Joker for so long that I've lost track of how long it's actually been. Night after night I go out into the city in the hopes of catching just a glimpse of green hair. I've gone after countless criminals, just to try to get information on the Joker. That's not very easy to do when the criminals fear him more than they do me. Either no one knew his whereabouts, or they were too scared to tell me anything. It would seem that finding a needle in a haystack is an easier task than locating a man who didn't at all blend into his surroundings.

When I wasn't searching for the Joker, I was trying to learn how to be a father figure to Jason. Trying to teach him to be a better fighter. I tried to teach him patience. I tried to show him how to not act out on his anger. I tried to give him a better education. I tried bonding with him. I tried to give him a better life. But it was starting to seem as though I was only molding him in my image. I'm not so sure if that's what's best. Did I really want him to risk his life just to make me proud?

Or were my actions with Jason motivated entirely by something different???

The Joker was right in his assumption that Jason reminded me of him. Jason was my surrogate Joker. He was my chance to right my wrongs to Jack Napier. He was my chance to metaphorically save the Joker from himself. To rehabilitate and make better. If I didn't save Jason he would have no doubt traveled a similar path to the Joker. But I saved him before that could happen. I saved him in the hope of turning it all around, because I couldn't do it for the Joker.

But I still felt as though I owed that crazy clown. Maybe that's because I was too afraid to ever let him go completely. I know I only spent one night with him, and it was ages ago, but for me it still felt like yesterday. I was beginning to wonder if I could ever break the connection. The Joker seems to have no problem in pretending that that night never happened, and I desperately wished that I could do the same. I just wanted to be able to do something besides obsessing over a man who used me more than any other possibly could.

Joker's POV

I gnash my teeth and mutter to myself as I tie my bowtie. "Oh that to me like I'm...she has no clue...she got lucky. Lucky lucky lucky..." I comb my hair and spray on some cologne. I was going out by my damn self. I damn sure don't need Ivy to have a good time. I own like four strip joints, who needs Ivy? I can afford high priced call girls if I so choose. I didn't need some mouthy bitch dictating to me like she's the one in charge. I'm in charge! And I do as I damn well please!

I pull out a one inch baggie filled with crystals. I lay it on the counter and use a shaving cream can to roll across them and crush them. "A drug problem...I'll show her a goddamn drug problem." I pour the pulverized substance out on the marble and shape it into a big fat line with the side of my hand. I block one side of my nose and snort all I can. One half of my face starts to burn and my eyes water. I wipe them and take the rest of it up the other side of my nose. Both sides of my face might as well match, right?

"Drug problem...ha!" I fish into my pocket and pull out another bag with about a dozen colorful pills inside. I pour them in my mouth and chew them like candy. I can't even taste the bitterness of them. "Oh the nerve of her...a drug problem huh? I have absolutely no problem taking drugs..." I grab my glass of scotch and raise it, "Here's to drug problems," and I down it.

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