Part Twenty-Three: Chapter 168: Last Minute Details

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When the Joker and Jason left the club they were three sheets to the wind. If it wasn't for the cocaine Frost and Ace would have had to carry them. They were both laughing at each other and how messed up they were as Ace cranked the vehicle. Frost could be heard sighing. He hasn't forgotten the time the Joker overdosed and is worried one of them might. Towards the end of the night the drinking and snorting had almost become continuous. However, the boss was getting married in just a few hours. If he chose to get obliterated as a bachelor party, It was his prerogative.

"Heyyy Joooohnny boy," the Joker slurs as he leans forward and clamps his hands down on Johnny's shoulders, "We can't hommme yeeeet." (We can't go home yet.)

Ace and Frost glance at one another. Neither have ever seen their boss in this condition. The coke usually kept him level when he drank. However, tonight he and Jason had drank the entire inventory of Scotch at the club. There was more alcohol in their blood than there was blood. Cocaine could only do so much, and tonight it had done all it could possibly do. Frost wasn't really sure, but he thought the boss was saying that they couldn't go home yet. Though he hasn't a clue why.

"Why we cannn't not gooo?" Jason mumbles with half lidded eyes. (Why can't we go home yet?)

"You don't wanna go home boss?" Ace asks.

"Nmmuh, we godda go ta churrrch," the Joker sits back in his seat, barely able to keep his eyes open. (No, we need to stop at a church.)

"Did he just say we have to go to church?" Ace softly asks Frost.

"Jeeezzzus lubbs meeee...I nooo cuz da bibbble..." Jason starts singing. (Jesus loves me, this I know. For the bible...)

"You wanna go to church boss?" Frost asks.

Ace shrugs, "Maybe he wants confession or something."

"Nnnooo," the Joker says and leans in between Ace and Frost, "Neeedda faaahver." (No, we need a father.)

"You need a favor?" Frost asks with a confused look.

"Faahverrr, a fahver," he repeats. Frost hasn't the slightest idea what his boss was talking about. (Father, a father.)

"Dare bofff dedd J," Jason mumbles. "Immabe sikkk." (They're both dead J. I think I'm gonna be sick.)

"Jew bedda not puke car," the Joker turns to Jason, trying to point sternly at him, but pointed at everything except Jason. (You better not puke in the car.)

"Boss, where do you want me to take you?" Ace asks looking in the rearview mirror.

"Ta churrrch. Bigggs fuirthst obber dare." (To the big church over there on first street.)

"We godda praaaay...haha ha," Jason drunkenly giggles. (We have to pray.)

The Joker growls and slaps himself in the face hard. "Nooo goddammmit. A preeest. I dooo," the Joker tries to explain and fails miserably. (No goddamnit, we need a priest for the wedding.)

"A priest? Oh! You mean for the wedding?" Frost finally puts it all together.

"Blliiingggoo," the Joker plops back on the seat and glances at Jason. His head was between his knees. He looked like he was about to throw up. (Bingo!)

"So we're kidnapping a priest?" Ace muses, "This is a first." A part of him was concerned that his boss might instantly burst into flames if he tries to step foot in a church.

In the back seat the Joker tries to slap Jason on the arm and wake him if he's passing out, but he completely misses him. This was no time for Jason to take a nap. There was a wedding happening in just a few short hours. The Joker was depending on Jason to be his best man. How was he going to sober them up? The coke had stopped working. This wasn't one of those times where black coffee was going to do any good. They'd passed the coffee stage bottles ago.

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