Part Twenty-Four: Chapter 173: First Aid

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When they got back to the Joker's building Frost and Ace each helped support their boss as he cradled his side. Jason quickly pushes the elevator button. He then turns to look at the sweat that had formed on the Jokers entire body. His white shirt was covered in blood. His right shoe was leaving behind a bloody footprint. The Joker had lost a lot of blood.

"Come on you piece of shit!" Jason shouts when it doesn't immediately open. Out of fear and anger Jason smashes his fist into the button.

"Calm down, I'm the one bleeding to death," the Joker weakly says.

When the elevator opens they get the Joker inside and Jason presses the button for the penthouse. On the way up the Jokers head falls forward and he goes limp, still being supported by Frost and Ace.

"J?" Jason quickly moves forward and grabs the Joker's head, holding it so he could see his face. He feared the Joker might have been dead.

"Its ok," Frost tells him, "he just passed out. He's still breathing."

"He's taken worse hits," Ace tells him. "Boss ain't like the rest of us, he's real real hard to kill. After we dig that bullet out and patch him up he'll be back to his normal self in just a few days."

Once inside the penthouse Harley and Ivy both look up from the couch. "Oh my god, puddin?" Harley rushes to the Joker's side and inspects his wound. "What happen?"

"A stupid clown wasn't covering the lobby good enough. A guard got a shot off and hit J," Jason explains to Harley.

"Get him to the lab," Ivy commands and rushes to it, ahead of them.

Moments later Ace and Frost were lifting the Joker's body onto the gurney. Ivy quickly takes some liquids and mixes them together. It was the pain medication she had been formulating for the Joker over the last six months. She had failed several times over. This was her latest concoction. She wasn't sure if it would work or not, she hadn't had a chance to test it on him yet.

Ivy stands over the Joker and slaps his face hard. She knows that the Joker would come to ready for a fight. This wasn't her first time to care for the wounded clown. Before anyone can react the Jokers hands go around Ivy's wrists and he glares at her in confusion.

"It's just me J," Ivy tells him, "Calm down, we have to get you fixed up."

The Joker releases her wrists as his eyes search the faces over him for Harley. His hand weakly reaches for her face. She rests her cheek in his palm. Cupping her own hands around his trembling one. "It's gonna be ok puddin," she soothed him.

"Jason, I need you to wipe the blood away," Ivy says and pushes a needle under the Joker's skin.

"Jason, I need you to wipe the blood away," Ivy says and pushes a needle under the Joker's skin

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"Why do I have to do it?" Jason glares at her. Despite him being unable to catch any diseases, he's still a little leery of other people's blood.

"Because there's only two people in this room whose flesh won't be burned away by his blood," Ivy snaps. "And besides, you're going to need to know how to do these things. You think J goes to hospitals? No, he gets wasted and gouges into his own wounds with a knife, fishing out a bullet. But in case you've failed to notice, he's growing more weak every day. He needs the people who are supposed to be on his side to help him."

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