Part Eleven: Chapter 64: Sacrifice

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Joker's POV

(Dream Sequence)

The smell of chemicals wafted all through the plant. It smelled like industrial cleaners. I look at my hands and notice they weren't white. The tattoos on my knuckles are gone. I quickly jerk my shirt open and my chest bare no tattoos. I lick My finger and rub the skin on my arm, just to see if it came off to reveal white. But my skin seemed to be normal. Color. Peach, tan, olive. I was Jack.

"I'm still here Jack. In spite of the color of your skin, I'm still here!"

I lower my hands to my side. I try to ease my rapid breathing. Why was I Jack? How is this possible? I survey my surroundings. I was at the edge of a platform. My heart races as I approach the edge. I look down and see a huge vat of green glowing goo, steaming and bubbling. I can feel my skin start to burn and itch just looking at it.

"Jack?" A voice comes from behind me.

I quickly spin around and see Bruce in his Batman suit. He slowly approaches me, his cape whisping behind him. He stands in front of me. The way he looked at me was indescribable, but my heart swelled and the uncertain ache in my chest only grew. His gloved hand raises and lightly grazes my cheek.

"I love you like this." He says, and I can see his eyes looking over the contours of the face I was born with in complete amazement. His other hand comes up to the other side of my face. It traces my jaw, down to my chin. He lifts my chin and peers down into my eyes. "Together we can get rid of the Joker."

"Get rid of me? You can't get rid of me

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Get rid of me? You can't get rid of me. I am you. I'm a part of you. I'm fused and hardwired into you. Without me you will fail. I'm your drive, your ambition, your anger, your power! I took over Gotham! People fear me! I've got the all the power! All of it! What have you done Jack?! You've fallen in love and had our heart broken! So broken that we lost control and killed her! Then you had the audacity to lay with Batman! You let him inside of us! You fucking fool! Can't you see what a monunentous fucking mistake that is?! He wants Jack! Plain, boring, hopeless romantic Jack! But What you want is the bat! You want the mask! The costume! Can't you see you both want someone different!? He wants to tame us! He wants to change us! If he really loved us he wouldn't want to change a thing!! He would accept us as we are! Every flaw! That's love you stupid fuck!!"

I awake with a gasp and sit up straight.. I quietly pant and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I look beside me and see Bruce laying on his stomach softly breathing, sleeping so peacefully. The moon shone through the windows casting a glow across his muscular form. A sheet lay draped across his legs and barely across his was. It was picture perfect. But there's no such thing as perfect.

My eyes turn away from Bruce and I gently get out of the bed. My bare body felt a coolness in the air. I walk over to the huge window and peer out of it. I look up at the full moon. The man on it looks down at me. My eyes look down at my naked white skin. I couldn't change it. I couldn't give him Jack. I'll always be this. And as long as I look in a mirror and see this...the voice is right. I am the Joker. He and I are one. There is no getting rid of him. We're one in the same. Built together. Bound to one another.

* J *Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα