Part Sixteen: Chapter 114: Today Was A Good Day

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Joker's POV

I was awakened by sharp pains zipping through my brain. I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. I leaned on the bathroom counter, breathing rapidly, as I tried to will the headache away. But I already know that the only way to do that is to get loaded. I slide my hand in the top drawer and fumble around. I grab the intended object and withdraw my hand. I look at the little brown bottle and twists off the cap. I empty out its contents on the counter. My fingers put the white powder in lines. Then I block one side of my nose and snort hard, vacuuming up the powder. Within minutes the drugs started to kick in and my headache faded away.

I exit the bathroom and look lo at Harley, still sound asleep in my bed. I just couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Why didn't I look as good as she did? She was my creation. I made her in my image. She was absolutely perfect for me. She truly loved me, so much so that she stalked me. She even jumped into that vat for me. That showed me how much she truly cared. Knowing that without a doubt made me feel...comforted.

Everything about her was a mirror image of myself. She would become the female version of me. My beautiful sidekick. I couldn't help but be flattered by her devotion to me. I have done horrendous things to this woman and she keeps coming back like a boomerang. I knew that she wanted to be like a normal couple. But she would soon learn that normal wasn't in my vocabulary. I would never be able to give her normal.

There were so many things that I wanted to teach my new pet. My intent is to turn her into an insane killer. I would mold her to a man's liking. She would learn how to lure them in. Then, without a second thought, she would attack and kill them like a black widow after it has mated, and suck them dry. I knew she would make me proud because she was so eager to please me.

I slowly climb onto my bed. I get on my knees and move closer to Harley. I run the back side of my fingers down her smooth pale jaw. Harley smiles and opens her eyes. The first thing she sees is my white face staring down at her. She doesn't seem at all startled or afraid. In fact, she looks pretty damn happy to see me.

"Good morning my dear," I say and straddle her thighs. "You have a busy day."

"I do?" Harley asks as she yawns.

"Yes. For starters a bit of combat training. So get up, take a shower, get dressed and then we'll get started," I nod.

Harley raises a hand and allows it to run down my exposed chest. For some reason I liked it and it made me close my eyes for a split second. Then I lowered myself down on my elbows. My body hovered over hers. I could feel her body heat mixing with my own. My lips were a mere inch from hers. I could feel myself growing in my pants. I wondered if Harley could see that hungry animal in my eyes. Does she know how much I wanted her?

Then I slowly placed my lips over hers. Harley's hands instantly bury in my green locks. Our tongues pass each other and dance together. It was a perfect kiss. But I saw a flash of Bruce's face in place of hers and I broke the kiss. I raised my weight off her and rest mine on the palms of my hands. I didn't want to think of Bruce. I wanted him eradicated from my soul. My eyes try to take in her beauty, it honestly did leave me in awe. I sit up all the way and get off her, my eyes never once blinking.

To tell you the truth, I think I want Harley to be some sort of substitute for Bruce. She does arouse me and the sex is pretty epic since I gave her shocks. Most importantly, she was loyal. She would do anything that I asked her to do. She's going to look very good on my arm as well. She is literally made for me. It wasn't like with Ivy. I think this may be the only relationship, besides my Bruce fantasies, that I actually might want to be a part of.

"Mistah J, why can't we skip tha trainin' and do somethin' fun?" She wags her eyebrows at me.

I didn't exactly feel like kicking her ass in hand to hand combat. I would love to go out and feel the sun on my skin. Its been a very long time since I've done anything during the day. It wasn't like I could just walk around freely. I had the most known face in Gotham city. There were always do-gooders who would immediately call 911.

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