Part Seventeen: Chapter 124: True Diagnosis

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Bruce Wayne sat alone in his bat cave. His eyes have grown bloodshot from staring at his computer screen. A conversation with Jim Gordon from a few nights before kept replaying in his head. Bruce had responded to the bat signal that night. The Joker had apparently been busy executing every doctor in the city with a PHD in psychiatry. This had been spawned by an interview with the District Attorney, in which he announced that he was going to redirect a new competancy hearing on the Joker the next time he's apprehended. It would appear as though the Joker feared that. Why else kill all the psychiatrists?

So this knowledge left Bruce in between a rock and a hard place. On one hand he was Batman, the Dark Knight who vowed to rid Gotham of crime. It was his duty to capture the Joker so that the new competency hearing could begin. But on the other hand he was Bruce, the one who loved the Joker. Bruce was the only person with any means of truly helping the Joker.

So Bruce has been reading, for two days straight, everything he can to understand what could help prove that the Joker was incompetent.

"...the limbic system plays a vital role in the brain's demonstration of psychopathic behavior.It is designed to regulate mood and behavior. Made up of five parts, the amygdala, the hippocampus, the thalamus and hypothalamus along with the cingulate gyrus. It's located in the temporal lobe.

The amygdala's function is to regulate the brain's "fight or flight" fear response, along with anger. An abnormal amygdala could result in increased amounts of cortisol, the body's stress hormone, which causes provoked levels of anger and aggression.When cortisol levels spike, the hypothalamus will also release more adrenaline. The thalamus sends signals from the amygdala to higher executive areas such as the frontal lobe. If any of these components of the limbic system are dysfunctional, the individual will likely experience..."

There had to be an easier way. Normally Bruce would contact a psychiatrist to cut through all the psycho-babble. But unfortunately the Joker had not left a single surviving one in Gotham. Or had he? Bruce quickly got up and dressed in his bat suit. He drove the batmobile straight to the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum. Home for the criminally insane. He is rather surprised to find Dr. Arkham there. Apparently the doctor had barely escaped the Joker's clutches.

"Batman, I'm the only one left," the doctor says distantly, his mind obviously reeling from shock.

"Dr. Arkham, it's important that I speak with a patient," Bruce tells him in his gruff Dark Knight voice. But the doctor was too out of his wits to reply. So Bruce took it upon himself to pull up the patient information he was looking for.

Batman makes his way down to the level where the inmate in question was. Bruce notices that the hospital staff was almost non existent. That makes sense however, would you show up to work at a nut house when the Joker was apparently going after mental health professionals? Yeah, me either.

Bruce stands before the cell and looks in. "The Batman," the Dark haired man smiles. He had recently been arrested for trying to "gas" a city official.

"Crane, I need to have a talk with you," Bruce says as he approached the bars.

"Me? Let me guess, the Joker killed your personal psychiatrist, and I'm all that's left?"

"Me? Let me guess, the Joker killed your personal psychiatrist, and I'm all that's left?"

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